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Just let us start it over again

And we'll be good

This time we'll get it, get it right

Muse - “Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 [Redemption]”

It had a few weeks since they've arrived in Asgard. The two have adjusted to life here, their now new home. There were, of course, the little worries and unspoken questions between the friends. Were their family missing them? Are they listed as missing back home? What about their jobs? Their homes, their rent, all the silly adult issues...

The no internet thing bothered Catlin from time to time while Morgan managed to let out her creativity on paper. Those back home problems would remain in the back of their minds for the duration of their stay.

Recently Morgan would drag Catlin to see the warriors train and practice. The Warriors Three plus Sif were there almost at all times along with Thor and the occasional appearance of Loki. Morgan had expressed interest in learning how to fight, Asgardian style while Catlin was a bit standoffish about it all.

One day, when Morgan was off learning the basics of sword fighting with the Warriors Three, Thor approached Catlin. “Do you not wish to learn?”

“What? I mean, I know how to shoot a gun and everything but this all looks a little...complicated.” And when Thor grew confused with the term gun, Catlin forgot that their technology wasn't the same. “It's a uh...different form of fighting.” She really didn't want to get into the specifics of explaining a gun to Thor.

“Ah. Well. If you ever wish to learn, I'm usually here midday along with my brother.” Thor glanced over at Morgan momentarily before bowing graciously to Catlin. He left, finally, to join the Warriors Three. Catlin didn't really think much of the connection between Loki and Morgan, she just knew that they were friends. Or something of the sort. There really was no use putting a label to that complicated relationship.

There were the usual assumptions on her part though. Just the little things that she's noticed along the way. Morgan would smile a little more whenever Loki was around. Loki was careful not to aggravate her too much, afraid he'd drive her away or that she'd hold resentment against him for all those long years of waiting. Nice, small moments, nothing Catlin thought too much of.

When the day was over and they'd all had dinner and retired to their rooms, Morgan went on about how her training was going. She goes on to tell Catlin about the different techniques, how'd she like to learn more about Loki's though. She said she'd feel more like a ninja if she learned more about the small throwing knives. Catlin broke in to mention what Thor told her, saying that him and Loki would be there tomorrow around midday. And there was that smile, just as Catlin suspected.

The next day, Morgan finally convinced Catlin to not sit on the sidelines and to actually join this time. While Catlin rather preferred sitting and just observing, happy to watch, it wasn't so bad this way. When Thor and Loki arrived, Morgan excitedly turned towards Catlin. And just for a moment, she swore she saw the teenage versions of themselves. They'd silently freak out about any new information on their TV shows, grow large smiles on their faces whenever they saw or heard something about their favorite actors or celebrities, the shared pointed looks they gave each other whenever someone they might've liked showed up; it was all very nostalgic.

And so, Catlin smiled back, knowing something more was about to happen with Loki and Morgan. It was only a matter of when and if.

But when Morgan left to train with Loki, uncontrollably excited about the art of knife throwing no doubt, Catlin was left to contend with Thor. It wasn't that she disliked Thor, in fact it was the exact opposite. Nobody could really hate Thor, not unless he was acting arrogant. He was like a giant teddy bear.


“You like him.”

“Nope. I mean, who are we talking about?”


“Oh right. Yeah...nope.”


“Morgan, I like the chocolate. Not white blonde John Smith's.”



They erupted into laughter soon after. For the record, she really didn't for she really didn't care. All she really cared about was whether her new founded 'OTP' would go through.

“But seriously, I doubt a Prince of Asgard goes for Plain Jane's. Now, another great day tomorrow. Night Morgan.”


There would be dreams of fights, Princes, and wifi.

It was, without a doubt, a perfect few weeks in Asgard. 

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