☁︎||chasing cars||☁︎

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I’m not one to do long sappy texts that just throw all of my feelings into one place and then the person I’m sending them to can just leave me on read and forget about the whole thing. But I thought I’d just give it a try. 

I usually would just make some silly letter that says “check yes or no” and then give it to the person. But Hayden you’re different and I wanted to take things differently with this...I may or may not have had feelings for you for a while now and I’ve only felt brave about telling you after you kissed me. 

You’re one of the most beautiful guys I’ve ever met and you make me so happy, thank you for that. But I think my real question is...do you like me too?


Alternative - you could listen to the lyrics of Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol to get the full feel of what I wanted to write :)

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