Nightmares Dave x reader

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A/N: This is a requested by CheyenneyARTZ
Ty supporting  I love you as my friend :)
Anyways this is an angst story Soo I still don't know how to make an angst but I think I did good last time ;-; but here u go... Let's see if I'm good at angst people be honest with me after you read the book with is good or not.


Y/N: Are you sure this is a right place to stay Dave is just... I'm afraid that I'mma get caught by my parents and plus they already not happy about me hanging you with you. Also they wanna get a date with this boy named (A BOY NAME).

Dave goes towards Y/N and puts his hands on their shoulders and gives them a serious look and his face.

DAVE: Y/N....If you wanna make it out alive because of your parents controlling you then yes. Plus we are at Bambi's farm, I'm sure Bambi will let us stay, he my best friend.

Y/N: Thank you for everything Dave I don't know what else to do without you. I can't be brave and just speak out to my parents like that they will kill me.

Tears goes down on their face and hug Dave tightly. Dave startled a little and then hugs back.

DAVE: Heh No problem cutie- I MEAN Y/N.....

Dave blushed red and Y/N just stared at him for a few seconds. Y/N. Then Dave goes to the kitchen and grabs a snack.

Y/N: So..... What should we do now I guess since we're here?

DAVE: I guess we might just rest or eat something I guess.

Y/N: Did Bambi allowed you to eat that?

DAVE: Bruh, Y/N.... He won't mind as long you did steal his corn or let a hobo in his corn field he will be pissed off. Anyways you should probably rest after all that running we did from them.

Y/N: But you can't have a wheelchair chair.


Y/N: *laugh* Ok ok.

Y/N goes to the couch and lays there for a few seconds and then they deep sleep.

Dream time:
Y/N woke up to the couch and then they saw their parents and looking at them very very furiously.

Y/N: Huh...Mom....Dad....w-what are you guys doing here and how did you know that I'm here

M/N: Oh Honey...We are just worry about you and you been a very very bad girl. Haven't we taught you a lesson. You supposed to be in our house and not escaping with that Dave looking freak. You know you have a date tomorrow with (B/N) and marry him next week.

D/N: We are doing this for the best for you sweetie.

Y/N: No...No!!! I don't want him, and that's way to fast for me. I wanna live my life, my dreams, my future and you guys fucking ruin my childhood because of you guys.. Your the one who trying to control me and now trying to control my future. That's not how to parent your child like that. I wanna be just me, myself, and I!!!

M/N: Listen to your mother this instant or else!!!!


D/N: Pathic..... Speaking of that Dave guy you've been talking and about and trusting him so very much, He's the one who told us where you were after all the time you escaped. Isn't that right Dave?

Dave goes towards besides thier dad and nods without any emotions. Y/N got shocked and

Y/N: W-What Dave....But I... thought you said you going to support me, and doing this together no matter what causes nor the effects our lives is and you have betrayed me after all this time.... How could you?!?

Dave says nothing, turning his back and going away somewhere.

Y/N: W-Wait

M/N grabs thier arm and dragging them. Then after they got back home, M/N threw with to the ground and now when D/N about to hit them with a electrical wire....


Y/N woke up by Dave shaking them and worried about them.

DAVE: Jezz Y/N what happen, I heard you yelling and just screaming while you were asleep.

Y/N: Yeah...Another nightmare I guess.....But it looked soo real tho.

DAVE: Well yeah duh, that's how a dream or a nightmare works you know.

Y/N: Yeah I guess your right.

DAVE: Hmm.. Anyways goodnight

Dave was about to leave the living room until Y/N yelled for his name.

Y/N: W-Wait....DAVE!!

DAVE: Yeah what is it?...

Y/N: I'm scared....

DAVE: Scared of what.... There's nothing to be afraid about...

Y/N: Yeah...But I'm afraid that... you'll going to betrayed be and I will just lose you and I don't wanna be alone anymore. I love you, I can be myself with I'm around you. Your the only person that I know to me from the dark. I can't be brave enough to be alone now!

As Y/N's tears runs down on their face and putting his hand on their face to Dave not seeing them cry. Dave was shocked after hearing them say that and goes towards them. Dave was in front where Y/N is sitting on the couch and cups thier face.

DAVE: Y/N..... Your an amazing and brave girl/boy that I've ever seen. How can I betray you in anyway or form. Also remember how you saved me in 3D form and turing the whole world 3D yeah rarely strangers calmed me down and mostly Bambi is doing the job for me, But you missy/mister saved me when we just even met for some reason. Strange of you Y/N strange....that I'm going to..

Y/N: Going to what..

Dave pulls Y/N a kiss. Y/N was shocked and kiss him back and they both broke out because they forgot how air really work in this world.

Y/N: Wow...Ok...Then I didn't see that coming.

DAVE: Oh... Sorry I didn't mean it's just Iloveyouverymuchimsososorry!!!

Y/N: It's okay really....I love you too you know. Anyways it's like what 2am or something and I'm scared that I'm going to get a nightmare again. Can I sleep with you please?

DAVE: Of course you can.

Dave and Y/N cuddle and sleeping on the couch peacefully.

T H E E N D 😙🖐️

Omg I'm tired it like 1:35 I finish this ugh and I have school tomorrow.....HIGH SCHOOL SUCKS but I guess I have to suck it up and deal with it I mean I need the education you know anyways PEACE---A/N

Dave and Bambi x Reader (ONESHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now