I don't deserve you

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For a second, when Nightmare woke up, he thought he was still in his castle surrounded by his boys. But that dream was quickly shattered when a wet tongue ran over his face, effectively banishing any sleep from Nightmare. He tried to sit up as quickly as he could to escape this tongue. He might need a bath, but definitely not one of those!

"I told you that if you didn't wake up, Moon Moon would give you a bath, Kitty." Nightmare heard Killer say between his laughs. Under normal circumstances, that would have meant that Killer could successfully play some prank while Nightmare slept. Under normal circumstances, Nightmare would enjoy it too. But not this time. Not after what happened.


"The one and only! What do you need?” And while Killer looked at him with a small grin, Nightmare's fear grew. He really wished this was a nightmare and Killer wasn't really here. Because if Killer is here, he probably saw the residue in the clearing. He's just seeing his absolutely disgusting body. Why did Killer stay with him? Why doesn't he go? Doesn't that body disgust him as much as Nightmare does? Doesn't he care how many people immortalized themselves in ugly ways on Nightmare's body? Couldn't he see how repulsive Nightmare is now that he knows the truth? So why is he staying ?!

Nightmare really didn't deserve Killer ...

Pulling the surrounding furs over him, Nightmare looked at Killer, but not into his eyes. He couldn't do that right now. "Do you still have clothes? I would like to get dressed after washing."

Killer shook his head slightly while bringing Nightmare bad news. “Sorry Night, but everything was taken from me that I had for us. But I could try to find something if you want to go?” Before Nightmare could answer, however, the wolf - Moon Moon it was according to Killer - and left the cave with its tail wagging vigorously. The behavior definitely confused Nightmare. "Well, apparently Moon Moon has now decided to get some clothes for you."

There was a slightly uncomfortable silence between the two of them. Killer didn't seem to know what to say and Nightmare couldn't look at Killer. Why should Killer waste his time with him anyway? There was so much better Killer could do instead of sitting here with Nightmare.

“Blue left a list of neutral AUs where we might find accommodation. Do you want to go through it with me?” Nightmare tensed at Killer's words. Blue was here? Had he got Killer on his side and this is just supposed to be a trap to get rid of Nightmare for good? However, Killer seemed to quickly realize his choice of words, because he quickly clarified it. “Blue helped me find you. He had overheard the monsters that they had apparently set these humans on you and could not accept that. So he helped me and then we looked for you together. And when we were here, he left the list."

Nightmare sensed no lie in Killer's words. On the other hand, he didn't even trust his own abilities at the moment.

"A swap's sense of justice is remarkable... We owe him something Killer." Killer agreed with Nightmare's words with a small nod as he fetched the list from under a rock some distance from the nest. Nightmare just really hoped this wouldn't become a trap. He was tired and in no shape to fight. Should he run into his brother, it is very likely that Nightmare would simply surrender and let him kill him. Dream might even be happy to comply. Corrupted as Dream was, he wouldn't even hesitate. Nightmare knew. After all, he knew the influence of corruption only too well. And if he tried very hard, maybe he could sense both Dream and the corruption in the multiverse. But he didn't bother. Both Dream and Corruption would one day find their way to Nightmare and finish what they started.

Killer's throat clearing brought Nightmare's attention back to him. On closer inspection, Killer was back in the nest, list in hand. “There aren't many AUs on the list, not even two handfuls. But the first three are different swap universes. However, I don't think these will fit. Dream would notice us there too easily. Then there is also a lust universe on the list, but we can cross this off for obvious reasons. Likewise, we can delete Outertale and Undernovela, that would probably just draw Errors' attention to us. So not much is left. Only Littletale, Phobiatale and Fluffytale. Do you prefer one of them? "

Nightmare had listened carefully to Killer and so far agreed with Killer. But as he listed the last three AUs, he stiffened. He didn't expect these AUs to be on the list, although it made sense. Littletale was neutral for obvious reasons, and Nightmare didn't want to change that or harm the kids with his presence. Phobiatale shouldn't be that surprising either. After all, the Sans of this universe had loudly proclaimed that his AU is neutral and that nothing will ever change about it. That was why Nightmare had gone to the Sans 15 and 5 years ago to ask a favor. And Nightmare couldn't let Killer find out yet. So there was only Fluffytale, and if Nightmare was being honest he was a little scared to go there. He had lived in this AU for a long time before he made a name for himself in the Multiverse and could call an AU his own. Until then, he had lived in the small, nondescript café and even had the barista as a datemate. But now, looking back, he could see that Nightmare had not treated Ccino fairly. It was still a mystery to him that the barista never got mad at Nightmare. Not even when Nightmare broke their relationship out of the blue and started terrorizing the multiverse with his boys. Nightmare just wasn't sure if he wanted to bother Ccino one more time and if the other wanted to see him again at all. But he's their only solution...

"Boss?" Killer asked confused when he heard Nightmare's sigh.

“We will go to Fluffytale. We should be safe there for at least a while.” Nightmare could see Killer want to ask something, probably why this AU. Fortunately, Nightmare didn't have to answer because Moon Moon came back with a basket full of clothes. Of course, Nightmare took advantage of this and took the basket after thanking him. He could hear water flowing further back in the cave, so he could certainly wash himself there. And indeed there was a small river further back where Nightmare could wash himself. However, he tried to look at his body as little as possible. He didn't have to see the thousands and thousands of scars and breaks that ruined his body. Fortunately for him, it worked quite well, so Nightmare was able to get dressed. And the clothes made him wonder where Moon Moon had stolen them.

By and large, the outfit looked like a mix between a ranger and a priest from those fantasy RPG games his boys used to play. The upper part looked like a ranger and the lower part a priest. The top consisted of a very light purple tank top and showed a bit of Nightmare's chest. The other part was a sleeveless vest, which was a deep purple and covered Nightmare's neck. Nightmare wore black fingerless gloves on his arms that went up to just under his shoulders. The gloves were decorated with crossed gold ribbons on the upper arm and wrist. Nightmare wore a simple brown leather belt around his waist, which he also used to hold the skirt pieces in place. On the one hand, the skirt pieces were a piece that just looks like the end of a coat and fades into cyan from the same deep purple color as the vest. The other part is almost like a very long loincloth in the same light purple as the tank top, only that it was provided with gray stripes. The pants themselves were tight-fitting and black and still offered enough freedom of movement. The boots went almost below Nightmare's knees and were a dark gray with gold trim. All in all a very nice outfit. Unfortunately a little too pretty to actually be worn by Nightmare. But now he had nothing else.

Still, Nightmare really appreciated seeing Killer's face glow bright red when he saw Nightmare.

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