Burn down the bridges

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Nightmare stepped out of the portal after Killer had brought them back to the castle. He just couldn't bring himself to go first. Not when there was the risk that Killer, despite the oath, would be left behind, leaving Nightmare alone. He didn't want to give it a chance. But actually going into the castle turned out to be difficult. Inside would be so many memories of the others. There was at least something that belonged to one of his boys everywhere.

“Okay Night, you need to go to bed and rest. You look like a walking dead man and I doubt that you want to come under the eyes of others like that."

"What?" Confused, Nightmare looked at Killer, who was looking at the castle. Apparently he was thinking about something. "What do you mean?"

Killer turned to him and gently took one of Nightmare's hands in his. He gave it a small kiss before giving Nightmare a serious look. The look made Nightmare uncomfortable. He didn't like it.

“We can't stay here any longer.", said Killer in a calm tone, “The others know the location of the castle. And while I don't think they're going to do it right away, they can still tell the Stars and your brother where it is. As much as I hate to admit it, in our current state we wouldn't stand a chance against all of them. Tomorrow we will find better accommodation until we have a plan. We can start with the AUs who swore their loyalty to you. It would be more likely that we can find temporary accommodation there. "

Nightmare couldn't protest that logic, though it pained him to give up the place where he'd lived for centuries and where his boys had made a home. He remembered well a while back having one of the few dreams that did not come from his days with the villagers. It was a dream of a perfect future. He and his brother had finally given up on this insane war and Nightmare was happy with his boys. There were even babybones running down the hallways of the castle! Although Nightmare couldn't see any of the babybones clear except for two. And the two he saw as clearly as on the day so many years ago ... He didn't want to open that old wound again.

"Okay. I'll be in one of the guest rooms.I trust that you will take care of getting everything ready for tomorrow and then join me." Trusting that Killer really won't leave him, Nightmare left to go to one of the guest rooms. He wouldn't get any sleep in the main bed. Not if the majority of his boys were missing there. It would be too empty.

~ * ~

Killer waited until Nightmare had disappeared into the castle to stick his knives in anger into the surrounding nature in an attempt to let that anger out. How dare those bastards just turn their backs on Nightmare like he wasn't worth more than the dirt under their shoes ?! They all owed so much to Nightmare and that was their thanks? Building up the hopes of this little skeleton until he finally feels comfortable around everyone, just to let it all shatter in a heap of pieces? Especially after realizing how difficult it was for Night to gain confidence in others after those villagers had pounded his confidence into the ground.

He wanted to kill each of them painfully slowly, let them feel all the pain they were causing his Moon. Starting with Cross, who betrayed Boss without a second thought when the little Dreamboat showed him some affection. Night was in a depressed mood for a long time afterwards. After all, his brother was elected over him again and he was again the one who was injured in the process.

Speaking of Cross. Hadn't Nightmare saved some of Cross's belongings in case he came back?

Grinning, Killer went into the castle, leaving the destroyed trees behind. He'd found a better way to vent his anger. His first stop was the kitchen, from which he got a large bag that everything would fit in. Now he could get to the main attraction.

Killer walked through the rooms of his former datemates at a brisk pace. He took as much of their stuff with him as his bag would allow. And there was a lot that fit in there. There were just a few small things left that could still be of use. Like the knives from Dust or the replacement axes from Horror. And while axes weren't Killer's preferred weapon choice, he could still use them.

But after he had everything together, Killer went back to the entrance of the castle and emptied the bag there. He didn't want to accidentally damage the bag because it might still be of use. And after he had put all the useless garbage in a nice heap, Killer pulled a couple of matches from his inventory, along with a can of gasoline that he had found on the way. With a satisfied grin, he poured the whole canister over the trash and lit it. The flames rose quickly and Killer watched everything start to burn. He might not be able to get close to these bastards at the moment, but burning their things momentarily calmed his anger.

Now he just had to pack everything up for himself and Nightmare and then he could return to his Nightlight. And reassure him one more time that he would not go. Because Killer had no doubt that Nightmare was keeping an eye on his movements. The visits to the rooms of Error, Horror and Dust, as well as picking up Cross stuff must have unsettled the little king. And Killer will love to correct that fact.

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