No loyalty left

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TW for non-con


The portal didn't put them in any of the negative AUs. At least no negative AU in the core. These would likely be under more scrutiny than positive AUs with a dark plot. And that's where Nightmare and Killer went. It was an Undertale copy where Frisk freed the Monsters, but the people on the surface didn't take the Monsters in kindly. Instead, Monsters were hunted. Frisk themself had been locked away to free them from the monsters' influence. It was one of the few AUs that Nightmare had included in his realm. Hopefully they could hide there until there was a more precise plan.

Their arrival at the AU was in a rather quiet wooded area near the current whereabouts of the Monsters. But they wouldn't go there right away. Not if they didn't know what the current situation is like. It would really be better if they keep a low profile for now. At the moment they don't need any attention.

“I'm going to scout out the area for a minute, okay Moon? Then I'll be right back. You can practice something with the knives in the meantime, if you want.”, Killer said after turning to Nightmare. And even though Nightmare's fear that Killer would leave shot up at those words, he agreed anyway. He had to trust Killer, at least a little bit. Otherwise it could all quickly go downhill.

"Okay. Just be careful not to be seen, okay?” And with Killer's nod, Nightmare relaxed a little. Killer was nimble and light-footed. He wouldn’t be caught that easily.

So Nightmare just watched Killer disappear behind the trees. He himself wants to take Killer's advice and at least get used to the knives. But he can't look at them without thinking about Dust. Nightmare remembered exactly how he had given these knives to Dust when they had their one year anniversary. They even still had the engravings clearly visible in the handle, which just showed how well Dust had taken care of these knives. And now it felt wrong for Nightmare to just use those knives now. He just hoped he'd find another weapon soon. One that suited him better. Because even as much as he loved these knives with bitter feelings, there was a part of him that made Nightmare understand that this weapon was not the one that suited his nature.

Even so, he was trying out a few moves he'd seen Killer and Dust do. And he didn't need to see himself to know that his form wasn't nearly as elegant and graceful as Killer's, or as powerful as Dust's. Maybe he should just put the knives back in his inventory and pretend he's been practicing? Even if Killer saw through the lie, he wouldn't say anything about it either. At least not right away. Or maybe he could say he lost them...?

"Well look at this. A weak little monster all to ourselves. It must be our lucky day!” As soon as he heard the voice, Nightmare turned around in shock and stared with horror at the two men standing in front of him. The two stared down at him with excited grins and hungry looks. It dug up memories of a long forgotten time of abuse, pain, shame and tears. Nightmare took a few steps back, his bones rattling with fear, his eyes dilated with fear on the two people. But he didn't run. The hunt would only encourage them even more. If he doesn't run away and just let them do what they want, this is usually the least painful option for Nightmare. He knew that all too well.

Hands closed around him from behind and covered his mouth. Nightmare didn't fight back. What was the point? He knew what was coming and he was too weak to avoid it.

"If you do what we tell you, you might not die today, understand?" Nightmare merely nods in response to the third man's request. But three were okay. He had to deal with more at one point. He could do three. Perhaps he even managed to get back into his old safe space in his mind, into which he used to escape when the villagers visited him.

“Good monster. Why are you giving and not something nice to work with, huh?” Asked one of the men, Nightmare didn't know which one anymore, in a sultry voice. It brought tears to his eyes. For while their actions were similar to those of the villagers, their words were similar to those his boys had used on the few occasions when he gave himself to them for a night. They tarnished the scattered good memories of his former datemates in a way that Nightmare didn't think it was possible.

And once he summoned his female ecto, he could feel the three pairs of hands exploring his body. It made Nightmare feel dirtier than he already was. He was just glad that his breasts weren't that huge anymore. Otherwise he would probably have felt even more uncomfortable than he already feels.

Nightmare didn't make a loud noise as they tore his clothes off. And as much as he wanted to beg them not to, he had stopped himself. It could have made it worse. If Nightmare was lucky, he might still be able to save the jacket. Even if he no longer felt worthy to wear it. Not when he cheated on Killer in such a dirty way.

A moan of surprise left his mouth as one of the men pushed two of his fingers into Nightmares's already wet pussy. The astonished loud of them embarrassed him even more. It was really just old conditioning that made him so wet and it was so shameful that he still had those old habits in him. God, he hoped Killer didn't see him like that.


Killer could be back any minute!

"Please…! Please do- “Nightmare wanted to beg the men to move faster. He didn't want to have to explain this part of his life to Killer after avoiding it for so long. But before he could finish his sentence, one of the men had successfully blocked his mouth by pulling Nightmare forward and shoving his dick into Nightmare's mouth.

“God, I hate it when they start begging. It's so annoying and turns me off.” Without hesitation, the man started moving his dick in and out of his mouth, effectively choking Nightmare. He also couldn't stop the tears, which were now streaming down his cheeks. Nightmare was also very sure to hear the men laugh at it and call him pathetic. But that was all irrelevant to Nightmare at the moment. As much as his position allowed, Nightmare tried to look for Killer. He didn't find him. Instead he found the Undyne and the Papyrus of this universe, which looked at him with contempt and disgust. If he could, Nightmare would gasp. The two monsters recognized him, knew who he was, even without the corruption. Of course they wouldn't help him. Nobody ever did. All Nightmare could do was watch Undyne and Papyrus turn away from what is happening in front of their eyes and disappear into the depths of the forest. They probably informed the other Monsters.

With the two Monsters that might have been his last hope gone, Nightmare just gave up. He couldn't escape his situation. But then again, a demon like him didn't deserve it any other way. After all, he only reaps what he sows, doesn't he?

And just as the other two men were about to fill his last two holes, Nightmare heard it. How could he not? The crack of this branch seemed so infinitely loud.

"Who is there?!", one of the men exclaimed and Nightmare did his best to see something with his vision blurred with tears. And indeed he did see something. Something large and furry came out of one of the bushes. It growled loudly, and even to Nightmare it sounded threatening. But what took most of Nightmare's attention about the creature were the many glitches and zeros and ones that buzzed around the creature.

At least it seemed to have an intimidating effect on the men after the gunshots went through the creature and didn't seem to cause any damage as far as Nightmare could see. And since the men had stopped using his body, Nightmare's consciousness had begun to fade. Apparently it was too much for his mind to revive these old habits after so long.

And while the men ran away like little children, the creature approached Nightmare. He fully expected that he, too, would be attacked. Instead, it licked his cheek, licking away the tears. Nightmare thus had a good field of vision on the creature's face. It looked like a wolf wearing a mask. One side was a deep black and the other a light gray with a dark gray tear under the eye. The upper corner of the light gray part also seemed to have broken away. This mask, which really only covered half the wolf's face, was the last thing Nightmare saw before his consciousness drifted into the darkness.

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