Letter to a Stranger

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Dear Stranger

Really what can you say to a stranger. I really have no idea. I'm speechless. You better pat yourself on the back because I'm not usually speechless. You deserve a medal.

But really Stranger, what do I say to you?

Are you a woman or man?

Are you a person or an Alien?

Are you good or bad?

Are you big or small?

Are you nice or mean?

Sensitive or hard?

Secretive or Open?

A mystery or straightforward?

Cheerful or moody?

Happy or sad?

Loud or quiet?

A joker or serious?

Who are you?

I don't know. And that's what makes you a stranger. So Dear stranger, here I am, with no idea what to say, simply because I do not know you, nor can I bother digging a subject to chat to you about.

So you go ahead and live your anonymous life. I'll stop bothering you!

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