Letter to a close relative

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Dear close so and so

I have to admit I have a bunch of you so I’m going to write to you guys in general.  First I would like to remind you of how great I am and how blessed you should feel knowing me and being anywhere close to me. Second, well I feel pretty blessed knowing you guys too. I mean where would you guys be without me.

So I’ll take a moment of my time to thank myself on your behalf that I’m there for you as a close relative and that you guys can speak to me whenever you want and that I’ll always listen. Yep, I can see you people nodding your heads in agreement.

And no I’m not ashamed to admit that you guys also possess an iota of awesome – I mean you’re all related to me. How blessed can you get?

In conclusion, we should all be appreciative for having someone close. So I’ll give you all a minute to thank god for my existence while I nod my head in agreement.

P.S Yeah you guys have uniqueness in you too – as individuals. Not only because you’re related to me (though, truthfully, that counts too).

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