Love. It's not easy. - In Bali! That's my luggage!

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Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.  ~Henry Emerson Fosdic

***Juliette's Point of View***

The night before my flight to Bali took off, I went on the computer to send an e-mail to Alexander. I wasn't mad at him, it was a letter to thank him for at least testing me as a secretary. It read:

"Dear Alexander,

I hope I didn't take you by surprise, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Thank you so much for trying me out for a week, I know I caused a lot of trouble. I'm leaving for Bali to work at Club5, It's my dream job so wish me luck!

-Juliette Parcou"

I woke up early so I could make Alexander his goodbye and thank you present- a box of Tomato and Mozzarella sandwiches, his favorite. At 7am, I got up and took his sandwiches up to his office. He usually arrived at 7:30 so I wasn't going to run into him.

I took a taxi home and picked up my luggage that was going to last me 6 months in Bali. My parents had also gave me a Visa gift card to buy clothes in Bali so I wouldn't have to carry like 5 luggage cases. When I arrived at the Paris De Gaulle Airport, I pulled my two bags (one was carry on) aside to put luggage tags on each one. Someone slapped the table and I looked up to see Isaac Heed. I thought I got rid of him!

"Juliette, happy you are going to Bali? Ecstatic? Overjoyed? "

"Who are you?" I said- hoping he would just leave me alone and go bother someone else.

"Think you will have a good time? Let's wait and see. Hmm, should I go to Bali too? I will have someone to bother if I go."

As I wrote my phone number on the final tag, I saw Alexander! Leaving all things behind, I ran up to him and tapped his shoulder.

OK, wrong person. It just looked like Alexander from behind.

When I re-entered the airport, I saw Cammile, the real Cammile. We headed to the desk to get our tickets and then I realized I had to get my luggage. I just left it there when I thought I saw Alexander! How could I be so dumb? I went to the table where I was writing all my luggage tags and sure enough, my luggage wasn't there. I asked a French lady at the table if she had saw it and she said no."

"Juliette, I'm sorry but our flight leaves in 10 minutes, we need to leave now. Oh did you know that Isaac is heading to Bali with us too? His father was so mad that he sent him to go there as a guide to learn respect!"

With a huge frown on my face, I entered the plane to locate my seat.  

"10A...10B. Ok here is my seat."

As I looked up from my ticket, there was Isaac, seat 10A.

Cammile asked the girl sitting next to her would like to switch seats with me. She nagged on about how she wanted a window seat so... looks like I was sitting next to Isaac for the rest of the 6 hour flight. Great.

"Isaac, did you happen to see anyone take my luggage when we were in the Airport?" I asked him as he edited pictures of him own self on his Macbook. A little self-centered, much?

"Nope. Stop frowning though, you are weighing down the plane." 

I caught my first aerial view of Bali upon a resonable distance from the window and Isaac- who was sitting next to the window. Lots of colorful looking buildings were built by the crystal-clear ocean.

Humid weather greeted us as Cammile and I walked off the plane and into the Airport hotel- my curled hair stood no chance! A van was waiting for us ouside after we waited for our luggage and another guide that was coming in from the US. Isaac however, had already called ahead for his BMW to be parked right infront of the enterance. I learned on the plane that Isaac is a super rich guy because when he was calling for someone to bring him his Bali car, he said: "I wan't my black BMW not my red or blue SUV. Oh and can someone have my dad mail me the keys to my poolhouse villa?"

As he left us at the luggage pick up center for his sports car, I swear he had my blue luggage case! That was mine! Even the pink nailpolish stain it got last year was on it!

"Hey! Isaac, thats my luggage case!"

"No, Juliette, I picked it up at a secondhand shop in New York. Are you the only one with a blue bag?"

He jerked the suitcase out of my grip and left. That WAS my luggage. Who would carry 5  Louis Vuitton brand luggage cases and one average, blue one?

The ride to Club5 was nice, it took my mind off of other things/people. We got to know the other guide from the US whose name was Sara. Unlike my hometown in France, Bali had alot of citylife but within the city was preserved tropical plants and trees. We passed by several amazing  statues and water fountains- unlike any I had even seen in Rome!

***Isaacs POV***

Why was I here? Oh yeah, Juliette Parcou. The least I could do was take her luggage for going after that jerk Alexander. I pulled over at the entrance of Club5 Bali and took it all in: You are working now. 

Of course, being the son of the owner of ALL Club5 resorts, I got the nicest room, nicer car, ect.

The manager, Kevin, I have known since forever. He was there to help me cope with my mothers death while my father was working.

"I don't care what father said. I'm here to relax and not work, ok?" I told Kevin as he opened the door to my car.

After I unpacked my bags, It was time to go through Juliettes. When I opened it up, I saw a picture of her parents I assume, and an ugly hat that no one should ever wear. It honestly looked like Grandma knitted it out of a brown sea sponge.

"Why doesn't she have any thongs with lace? Or a lacy bra?" I said out loud as I looked at her kids underwear with flowers all over them. Issabelle who had a contract with Victorias Secret, always dressed up in bed as if she was on the runway. Sex- the only thing that still made me go out with Issabelle Miraldi.

I Put on the ugly hat I found in her luggage and headed out to take archery classes at the hotel. As planned, I saw Juliette and Cammile being toured around by an experienced guide.

"HEY! That's my hat! You have my luggage! Give it back now!" Juliette yelled while swiping it off my head.


"Do you think this is all a game? You act like a freaking two-year old!"

"I'm here shooting arrows thanks to you! Well...Fine, if you want your bags, come to the main entrance."

So I left archery and headed out to my BMW and waited for Juliette.  I started my car as she got closer.

"Ok i'm here. Give me my bags!"

"Don't you dare order me around. You have to work for your bags." I said sarcastically.

"What do you mean 'work for them'?"

"Get in my car, were going out."

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