Side Story #1

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January 2nd 20XX

Lupin was cleaning up at the clearing in the sewers; after the whole extermination day the whole Sinners and Demon that hid away, all fled when the clock tower rang and echoed through the sewers. Lupin was left alone to clean up and set up his shop as a thief on his base of operations, but at half way on building up, he turns to hearing footsteps coming from one of the ways into the clearing. He looks at them, the family demon that was hiding from the extermination day, along with the mother keeping her children safe from Moxxie. Lupin sees them with frowns on their faces and filled with sadness. The family noticed Lupin as they walked down, Lupin was standing at the edge as the demon family approached the clearing.

Lupin remembers the mother, though not her name, he finally got the look on her fully. He fully sees that the demon mother was close to being at wits end, short white hair with a pink highlight at the end. She's close to Lupin's height, less you count her horns, her eyes would seem to meet his neck level. Her tail, he sees that it's a that of the arrowhead, white rings around near the base and in the middle.

Her children, two of them little boys, must be no older than 4 or 5 years old. Both seem to be figuring out their lives. One has black hair, while the other has white. They both cling to their mother's side, trying to hide from Lupin.

Lupin: Hello again.

Demon Mother: H-hello.

Lupin looks at them, he finally notices that they are carrying suitcases and duffel bags.

Lupin: What's with luggage?

D.M: ...We...we lost our home.

Lupin: What happened?

D. Child: Those exterminators-

D.M: Hush.

Lupin: No, no. Quite alright, quite alright. I can make a guess on what happened next.

D.M: ...This is...the only place we thought safe. But seeing as you are setting up...She begins to frown.

Lupin: scratches his head and sighs. No...Not here.

The Demon mother looks at her in confusion.

Lupin: Well at first, when I was setting up I had thought that this space would be good. I mean look at this clearing. Turn to the clearing.

They turn to see the clearing.

D.Mother: It'

Lupin: Right? So I'm thinking that this spot may not be working for me. Having too much space would be making me nervous.

D.Mother: Your saying that-

Lupin: Yes, but for a price.

Just as the woman was about to smile, she went back to frowning.

Lupin: Now, now. Don't be sad, this price isn't major.

D.M: ...what is it?

Lupin: First; can you read?

Hours have passed, Lupin was setting his base somewhere close to that of the clearing. A den big enough for a desk, a bulletin board, and a homemade internet connection. He was able to connect with an underground electrical line within the sewers; as he finished up, he went to go check with the family that was to begin their life. They begin to build a bit of the base of their home, Lupin comes down to help out with young ones making the flooring.

D.C(Blacked hair): Why do we have to do this? I'm tired.

Lupin: "Taking the time to build community, to get to know people will have a long-lasting effect"

D.C(B): What?

Lupin: Something I learn up in the human world.

D.C(White haired): You've been to the human world?

Lupin: I have, quite nice really.

D.C(B&W): ...Thinks a bit. What's it like?

Lupin: Turns. Would you like to hear a tale of my travels?

The two nod and Lupin smiles a bit at the wonder that sparks in the children's eyes. He turns around to see that the children's mother was still having a difficult time with the garden box he had brought from his little trip back to the human world.

Lupin: Turns back to the children. Let me help your mother, then I'll tell you two the story as you go to sleep.

D.C(B&W): Okay.

The two began to pull out their sleeping bags.

D.C(B): Hey, wait, we're underground, how are we to know the time when we-

Lupin: It's 9:30pm.

D.C(W): How do you know?

Lupin: Pulls out his phone and shows it to them. I do my best to keep time. Puts his phone away. I'll teach you how to keep time as well, someday.

The two continued on with a feeling of confusion as to what Lupin had said. He walks over to where the mother was grunting on grabbing the bag of dirt, Lupin had helped by picking on the other side of the bag.

Lupin: It's okay to ask for help.

D.Mother: I didn't want to, for this heavy labor does not seem really needed.

Lupin: Well, I'm just being prepared. He carries the bag. You read the books I lend you?

D.Mother: Yes, but I don't see why I would need books on gardening, considering that the only water source is shit water.

Lupin: Don't worry, I'll get the water supply.

The two make it to the box, Lupin opens the bag by making a hole with his claw. He poured the dirt down into the box as the Demon mother spread it in the box.

D.M: Are these things from the human world?

Lupin: Correct, been doing a little adventures. Plus I was thinking...

D.M: Thinking what?

Lupin: Chuckles Nothing, just something that I hoped.

The demon mother looked at him to notice that she had hit a bit of a personal nerve when finished talking about the subject. Lupin finished up with planting the seed.

Lupin: Now, I promised the little ones a little story as they sleep.

D.M: ...why do you do this?

Lupin: Do what?

D.M: This? This...kindness, this, this-

Lupin: It's my nature ma'am. Can't really explain it but, it's part of my nature.

D.M: Shrinks for a moment. Well, a lesser man would've tried and sleep with me for their kindness.

Lupin: Oh no, no. I wouldn't stoop that low.

The demon mother squints at him.

Lupin: I would've got to know you first, over lunch or dinner. Chuckles a bit.

The demon mother took a moment to think and that Lupin was trying to make a dumb joke. But he meant it as he stood up and walks over to her children to tell a story about his travels. In that moment, she blushes abit.

Time passes again and Lupin had told the little his tales as they sleep under his soft voice that he maintain as he spoke. The mother continues reading the book close to where he was able to keep an eye on her kids. But she too was beginning to be effected from the tale that Lupin was telling to her kids. He had convinced her that Lupin will watch over them as they sleep, just as long as they would watch over him as he sleeps. True to his word, he had watched over them his whip in hand and paced around softly as they sleep.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now