comforts, hangouts and flashbacks

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"Ughhh I'm so bored!" You groaned and jumped on the bed.

Aster had fallen asleep after eating. That baby does nothing other than eat, pee, poop and sleep. He sometimes plays with the toys, but other then that he sleeps apparently all day. Chat had gone to fight the akuma with LB.

The akuma is still out there, but The two heroes are trying to defeat it.

Hawkmoth needed to decrease his akumatizations, people need peace.

A thought struck your mind.

Who is the person behind hawkmoth's mask? And why is he akumatizing people? I mean, if he 'wants to rule over the world' like every other cliché movie, then its just dumb. Why do villains even exist? You groaned at the last part. The very next moment, ladybugs roamed around the city and fixed every damage the akuma had caused.

A few minutes later, chat jumped into the room through the window, looking annoyed. Huh?

"Heyyyy...? Why the pissed look kitty?" You got up from the bed, walked towards him and questioned raising an eyebrow. He groaned.

"Hawkmoth needs stop akumatizing people for dumb reasons!" He said crossing his arms.

"What even happened?" You asked chuckling at his annoyance. He looked at you.

"He akumatized some girl because someone dropped her sweets by accident and she got upset" you tried stifling your laugh at hearing that, but failed.

"HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA WHAT?!" You held your stomach as you laughed, chat joined in as well.

"Okay what the actual fuck-"

"Language Angel, Language"

"Oh whatever, but seriously who the heck would akumatize someone upset over a few dropped sweets by accident?" You chuckled.

"Oh I don't know, Hawkmoth maybe?" Chat retorted.

"It was a rhetorical question, kitty" you deadpanned.

"Whatever!" Your convo was cut short as chat's ring beeped, signalling he's gonna change back soon.

"Looks like its your time to go! We wouldn't want to let the cat out of the bag now do we?" You joked.

"Oh yeah, I'm pawsitive that I will change back soon, and then you wouldn't be able to resist me! And yeah I should go. See ya later Angel!" He flirted and chuckled before going to the window.

"Bye kitty!" You waved, watching him wave back and leaping out of the window.

You sighed and walked back to the bed. You were about to fall asleep when you remembered the project. You groaned and got up again. Then you took out all the necessary supplies needed for your part.

Then you remembered that you need to call Lila and discuss at least something with her.

You whined and stomped on the floor like a child who didn't get his toy plushie.

You then picked up your phone and started to find Lila's number, if you even have one. In the end you didn't find it. So you texted Nino, because he has contacts of literally everyone since he is a DJ. What do you expect?

You: italics, Nino: Bold

Hey Nino!

You waited for a good few minutes until he texted back.

Hey Dudette! Wassup?

I just wanted to ask if you have Lila's number? I need it for our project

No way! (Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x reader)Where stories live. Discover now