{Chapter 7}

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[Dream's POV]

"Hey guys, sorry I took so long," I said as I returned to George's small home.

"It's alright, I was actually just about to head off for the night, so perfect timing!" The moobloom said with a grin. I returned the gesture, baring my ever-sharpening fangs in a gruesome approximation of George's blunt-toothed smile. Sapnap merely watched the short exchange enigmatically, the rods rotating around his body filling the air with a smoky, sulphurous smell.

"Welp, Ima head off now, so see ya guys tomorrow?" Sapnap said, phrasing the last part as a question. George and I nodded, agreeing to leave.

[Sapnap left the game]

[GeorgeNotFound left the game]

I stood in the empty house, staring at the space where my best friends had been only moments before. I pressed tab briefly to check who was on.





I tabbed out briefly to check Phil's Twitch.

"-and that pretty much concludes today's stream! Thank you all so much! Bye! Bye bye!" He waved at the camera as people began to leave, until he eventually ended stream, leaving me staring at his Twitch profile. I returned to the interior of George's house, pulling up the game chat from my wristband and sending Phil a brief whisper, asking for a meet.

I waited a few minutes until I got a reply.

[[Ph1lza] whispers to you: Sure, where?]

I sent an equally brief return, specifying George's house. He agreed, saying he'd be over in a few minutes. I minimised the game chat and sat down, realising with dismay that yet another person would know about my hybrid.

I saw Phil's gamertag pop into view, bobbing closer until he was stood outside.

"Dream?" I heard him ask through the wall. I got up and opened the door, keeping my eyes downcast. Not that it would do anything. I felt cold fingers under my chin, guiding my head upwards to meet Phil's kind blue eyes, shadowed by his customary bucket hat. I nibbled my lip, drawing blood as I forgot about my fangs.

Just as quickly, his hands left, and I felt myself missing the soft touch.

"So, what's up?" Phil asked. "What did you wanna talk about?"

"Tommy." I ground out. I could feel this wasn't going to be a nice conversation, for either of us.

"Oh yeah? What's he gone and done now?" Phil asked lightly.

I paused. Why was he not addressing me? My hybrid? The fact I so obviously lied to everyone on the server by hiding my true self and saying I had no hybrid? I put my worry aside and tried to focus on the matter at hand.


Man, this was gonna be tough.


I explained everything.

I hadn't planned on telling him about me and hiding my hybrid, but after a minute or so of talking it just sorta... happened?

I told him everything, from my hybrid to Tommy and Tubbo going to the End. I told him who knew, and how they reacted to finding out. I told him everything. Until there was nothing left to say.


Well except the small favour I wanted to ask him.

"That's all well and good, but why are you telling me?" He asked, ruffling his black feathered wings into a more comfortable position.

Hidden Wings [A DreamSMP Hybrid AU]Where stories live. Discover now