{Chapter 6}

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[Dream POV]



Am I dead?

I feel like I'm floating.



Is that you?



What are you doing here?

Why aren't you in Kinoko Kingdom?


"Dream can you hear us?"

I groaned softly as I cracked my eyes open, gradually focusing on the roughly chiselled ceiling of George's home. My view was unobstructed by my customary mask and as I tried to recall what happened.

The Stronghold feeling...

The Eyes...

The portal...

"How am I alive?"

Sapnap and George exchanged awkward looks. Probably juggling who would be tasked with the news. Eventually, Sapnap spoke.

"George messaged Tubbo." He said bluntly. George elbowed him.

A feeling of dread crept over me.

"Did you tell them?"

George shuffled his hooved feet awkwardly, providing all the answer I needed. It felt like the breath had been punched out of me. George and Sapnap maybe, but Tommy and Tubbo? The biggest children on the server? No way was that staying secret. But then again... maybe it was time for my secret to come to light.

"They should be coming soon," George said awkwardly. We lapsed into uncomfortable silence, and I took the time to feel my hybrid attributes. I ran my hand over my face, feeling hard scales scattered like freckles across my nose and cheeks. I cupped my twisting horns, feeling the way they swept back from my forehead. I flapped my wings experimentally, feeling the ragged edges of my t-shirt against the thin membranes and letting the breeze whip around the small room.

I felt Sapnap and George watching me for any hint of reaction, but I refused to meet their eyes, preferring to keep my glowing purple orbs focused on my loose sweatpants.

Suddenly, the door flew open in a cascade of feathers and coarse hair.

"SUP FUCKERS!" Tommy yelled, leaping through the door, and falling gracefully to the ground, Tubbo kicking his heels up as he entered energetically behind his friend.

They froze, gazes locked onto me.

"...Dream?" Tubbo asked hesitantly.

"Y-Yeah," I cleared my throat.

We stood awkwardly.




"'Kay, so are we gonna address the elephant in the room or what?" Sapnap asked abruptly. I looked at him in surprise, I mean, he knew, everyone in the room knew, I didn't see the problem.

"Don't give me that look Dream, I know you know what I mean. I know, George knows, and now Tommy and Tubbo know as well. More people are finding out by the day and at this rate it would be better if you just came out to the whole server and embraced who you are. It's not good for your hybrid to be repressed like that and it's not healthy for you to ignore that bit of you either. So, if you don't do it, I will. Find everyone's time zones and get them all on at a time they can make, then make an announcement and for fireballs sake STOP IGNORING YOUR HYBRID!" Sapnap shouted roughly, his blaze rods whirling around his body in a tornado of fiery smoke and sulphurous fumes.

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