{Chapter 3}

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[Sapnap POV]

I shut the door behind me, making my way back towards George's room. I found one of my two fiancés outside the moobloom's room, flicking his fluffy tail out of the way as he shut the door behind him.

"Did you get to ask him?" He said before I could speak. I nodded.

"He said he teleported and fireballed the mobs." I said, the rods rotating around my body speeding up slightly in exasperation. I didn't dare tell Dream, but I had told Karl about his origin, however only after extracting a promise of secrecy from him. The wolf hybrid nodded gravely. He had helped me carry Dream to his room after he collapsed outside the library, and we had both felt the hard scales on his arms and stomach. That he got here at all was a wonder in itself, if they were anywhere near where I thought they were, Dream would have had to walk almost five thousand blocks, while injured and carrying George, who was unconscious. Not to mention that Dream would've been near exhausted from using his hybrid powers after so long without them.

The fact that Dream had used his hybrid powers at all posed a difficult problem. He might've saved George, who would've almost certainly died, but in doing so he re-awakened his hybrid side, which allows a hybrid to use their powers and also gives them the attributes that mark them as such. After going so long without using his animal side, Dream had lost almost all his attributes, except a smattering of scales on his face, his small horns, and of course his luminous purple eyes, but they were all easily covered by his customary mask. I suppose it's a blessing he covers his skin so much, wearing a green hoodie and black leggings on all but the hottest of days. But even so, summer was coming fast, and in the short period of time before then it's highly unlikely that his scales and talons would retract.

My fiancé sighed.

"It's certainly going to pose a bit of a problem, particularly in the coming months." He said, mirroring my earlier worry. I agreed silently. We lapsed into uncomfortable silence.

"How's George doing?" I asked, breaking the silence. Karl's soft white ears perked up, happy to be off the problematic topic.

"He's alright, a little beaten down, but zombie bites do that to a person." He said, his tail wagging slowly. "He's asleep at the moment but he should be ready to go by tomorrow morning."

I nodded and turned to go, exiting the house, and walking aimlessly around the kingdom I shared with my fiancés. I walked past the various landmarks that Foolish had built so carefully, shaping the structures to perfection. My wristband pinged as someone joined the server, but I paid it no mind. People came and went; I didn't care who.

"So then, I hear my little dragonling has finally used his powers," The throaty voice came from behind me.

I whipped round, pulling out my sword and donning my armour in an instant.

A white mask, leering mouth and an 'X' to mark his closed eyes.

I immediately pulled up my chat.

[DreamXD has joined the game]

I glowered at the tall figure in front of me. He looked similar to Dream, except for his height, face, and the fact that he seemed to float slightly, bobbing up and down as I watched him.

"Why do you wanna know?" I asked defensively. "It's not like you've bothered to watch what's going on on the server before."

He chuckled; an awful sound that made me feel powerless when compared to this... this... entity.

"Do you know why I came to you, Sapnap?"

I shook my head, carefully readying my sword and the shield that was slung across my back.

His voice dropped to a whisper.

"Because I know. I know that you and your fiancé are the only members of this server that know about my little dragonling's power, I know that you are the one he came to for help, because he has nowhere else to go if he wants to keep his hybrid a secret." The God chuckled again and I whipped my shield around, holding it in front of me to defend myself from anything he might want to throw at me. The god's only response was to chuckle again.

"If you think that will protect you, you're delusional." I said nothing, only drawing my sword though I knew it would do nothing. DreamXD shrugged. "I have nothing to fear from you. Now be a good little Blaze and go tell my little dragonling about this encounter. Tell him that I will be waiting with open arms when he decides to embrace me." And with that, he vanished. My wristband gave a half-hearted ping, but when I looked, there was no mention of DreamXD at all.

"Sapnap!" I turned towards the source of the noise, quickly spotting my wolf's brightly coloured hoodie.

"Hey Karl, everything okay?" Karl stopped next to me, bending over to catch his breath.

A wide grin spread across his features.

"George is awake," he said happily, his tail wagging in response to his mood. I grinned in response, my rods smoking softly as they did when I got excited. His mob side must've helped his recovery.

"That's great!" I said, "Will he be good to go then?"

Karl nodded, "In a little bit, he was just eating when I left him so he should be done by the time we get back." He hesitated, "I was thinking we could send Dream with him, y'know, just as a precaution, in case he has a relapse, providing he's alright to go?" He phrased the last bit as a question, to which I nodded.

"Yeah, he should be all good to go, he always did regenerate faster than others. Probably his hybrid." I resisted the urge to scratch the back of my neck.

Karl smiled at me, I smiled back. I really am lucky to have not one, but two beautiful fiancés.

"Y'know Sapnap," Karl said, "We're really lucky. We have a beautiful home," he gestured around Kinoko Kingdom, "all the resources we could ever want, for anything," he smiled, "not to mention, we always have each other." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, denying the fact that I felt the same. "And Quackity as well of course," he continued, "when he's not threatening to blow it up, that is." I laughed at that. He held out his hand and I took it, walking back to our mushroom home together.

(1105 words)

Waddup!! I did it! I actually posted an update on the right day!

Anywho, ik this isn't a very interesting chapter, more of a kinda filler to flesh out the story a bit.

Things gonna start pickin up next chapter

Also we got 137 reads so pogchamppp

Uhh thats about it.

I went on a high spinney thingy at a funfair 



Hidden Wings [A DreamSMP Hybrid AU]Where stories live. Discover now