{Chapter 1}

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[Dream POV]

~Blood, fighting, mild swearing~

Everyone believes I'm not a hybrid, as the maker of this server it could be true.

But it's not.

I banned the End, right when I first made the server, because I am no ordinary hybrid.

I, Dream, am an Ender Dragon hybrid. The Ender Dragon hybrid.

I banned the End because as long as the dragon lives, I live. The second the dragon takes damage, I take damage, and I begin to gain my hybrid characteristics. Wings, scales, horns and claws. The parts I have kept secret for so long, though I can't hide my piercing purple eyes and the smattering of scales around my eyes and cheeks, so I keep them hidden with a simple white mask with a smiley face on.


I was walking around the server one day with my best friend, GeorgeNotFound, a moobloom hybrid. He wanted to collect more flowers for his rebuilt house, but he's got terrible sight, and a terrible sense of direction to go with it, so he dragged me along with him.

"I don't see why you couldn't bring Sapnap instead," I whined, "I've got loads of things to do, and all he ever does is lounge around and spit fireballs."

"Because yooou're more fun that Sapnap, he sets fire to my flowers anyway," George replied, drawing out the 'you' into a soft moo. "Oh! Look! Lily of the valleys!"

I smiled softly at my friend's antics as he raced ahead to the flower in question, picking it and adding it to the ever-growing bundle in his arms.

"You'll have to bring a basket next time," I said with a chuckle, "Then you can carry more flowers."

George turned sharply, dropping a flower or two in the process.

"DREAM! YOU'RE A GENIUS!" He shouted, a wide grin splitting his face. I bent over as a wheeze wracked my form, pressing my wings flat against my back so George didn't see them. "I'll be sure to bring a few bundles next time!" He said, bending over to retrieve his dropped flowers. I turned west to spot the sun, hanging low over the horizon like an immense red disk.

"Come on George," I called, "It's almost night, we should get back."

"Dream! Come look at this!" George called from a way ahead, my Ender hearing picking up the quiet sound.

"But George, we need to get back, it's almost night and mobs will start spawning soon." I heard a soft sound of acknowledgement from my moobloom friend, but he seemed adamant.

"Dream you have tooo see this though!" He said, allowing another soft moo to escape in his excitement.

I rolled my eyes, no use trying to drag him away, might as well just go and see what all the fuss is about. I followed the faint sound of his moos to an open plain, dotted with indistinct shapes in the half-light.

"Isn't it amazing Dream!" George called from up ahead, "It's perfect!"

"I don't see what-" I began, but then my enhanced sight shifted, re-focusing after the darkness of the forest. "Oh." Was all I said.

It was a flower field.

A big one.

"Shit," I muttered to myself. George wasn't going to leave easily, and I didn't have beds or wool to sleep on, and there was no denying, we were still vulnerable in the open flower field. "It's amazing Dream! I wanna build a house here!"

"George, we need to go, I'll take down the coordinates and we can come back tomorrow with beds and building materials," I shouted.

"But Dream, I wanna stay here!" Oh God, the flowers were getting to his head. The longer he spent around the flowers, the more incoherent he would get, and the harder it would be to get him away.

"Dream?" He called to me, "Dream are you still there? Dream? DREAM!" My luminous eyes snapped towards his position as he shouted in fear. "DREAM THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! DREAM HELP!" My eyes glowed purple as I used my Ender sight to pinpoint his position, teleporting there in an instant.

George was surrounded by mobs, zombies battered at his leathery hide while skeletons filled him with arrows from the sides. A deep wound sheeted blood down his thigh, and numerous arrows stuck out of his arms where he had shielded his vulnerable stomach. A couple of bees flew around him, drawn to the small flowers on his back, but they did little to help against the growing group of mobs that surrounded my friend. I ran towards a group of zombies, pulling out my enchanted axe, Nightmare, and attacking them, losing only a heart to a deep bite that bypassed my enchanted netherite armour.

"Dream?" I heard the faint whisper from behind me. Shit. I turned around to see George, an arrow in his vulnerable stomach. Turning back to the ever-growing band of mobs around us, I took a deep breath...

And ripped off my mask.

My luminous purple eyes glowed with a harsh light in the darkness, granting me all the light I needed to see. The light reflected off the hard, black scales around my eyes and across my cheeks as I leapt forward, beheading a zombie with a swipe of my axe. The small horns on my forehead seemed to grow as I took a deep breath in, shooting a fireball the size of my fist at the oncoming mobs. It hit the ground and exploded, spraying all the hostiles around us with harmful purple particles that stuck to them, gradually killing them, and slowing them down.

With the mobs dealt with, I turned back to George, retrieving my mask from where I threw it on the ground. I hoped he was too out of it to remember me fireballing the mobs, but when I reached him, I saw I needn't have worried. His visible skin was pale and chilly to touch, his eyes rolling back in his head. I sighed and pulled up the chat from my wristband, sending a brief message to Sapnap to let him know what happened. As I tapped out the note, I briefly looked over the plethora of messages from the Blaze in question, asking where we were, what had happened, etc. I summarised it briefly before closing the chat and taking a gapple from my pocket. I slapped George's face a few times, frowning when he didn't wake up. I jammed the gapple into his mouth anyway and hefted him into my arms, hoping that it would keep him alive until we got back. I frowned as his slight form pressed into my arm, feeling a few scales scattered across the skin.

Probably just because I used my Ender powers I thought, they'll have gone by the time I get there.

With that thought lingering in my mind, I set off through the forest, allowing my internal compass to direct me back as the first hints of dawn brightened the horizon.

(1156 words)

Hi hello gonna keep it brief, hope you enjoyed the first chapter, but I regret to say you'll have to wait a week for the next one :(

Anywho, I look forward to seeing you next week!


Hidden Wings [A DreamSMP Hybrid AU]Where stories live. Discover now