Chapter 20:

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Jin-Woo never thought he would spend his saturday in a library. With his younger sister no less. He has no problem with going out with his sister but... There's just nothing good about libraries. All it has was boring books and a few bookworms. Nothing exciting ever happens here.

Looking around all he sees were books and books and guess what? More books! You might be wondering why he was here in the first place.

Let's go back to this morning's events:

Jin-Woo doesn't know what else to do. He already ran out of ideas on wooing Mr. Woo. You can see loser♡ neatly written on his forehead courtesy of Jin-Ah. He couldn't write it on his own so he asked her to write it. The heart did not in anyway help lessen his dark mood.

So Jin-Ah decided to drag his ass to the nearest library. She said and I quote, "You're gonna be a total loser if you continue yer moping. Let's go outside! Outside is good!" Giving her a blank look he retorts, "If outside was good then why did humanity spent millions of years perfecting inside?"

To which Jin-Ah replies, "I don't know. What am I? A walking history book? Stall all you want oppa, you're still getting up fron that couch. To accompany me on a short trip to the library!" Knowing he had no way out Jin-Woo accepts his fate. Much to Jin-Ah's happiness.

(Now in the present:)

Absent-mindedly flips the books pages. It was a boring book about the effects of gravy enhancing a chicken's flavor. A book that only someone like Jin-Ah would read. Unless of course there were more like her out there.

'Gravy huh. Haven't tried making that from scratch. Hm. It doesn't look that hard to make.' Mentally filing the ingredients and procedures in his head. He could cook this next week. He had to keep track on Jin-Ah's chicken intake. Too much can harm her and too little will make her a chicken loving fighting machine.

Bored as hell, he looks to his right and watches Jin-Ah giggle at her phone. Probably texting the mystery guy. Speaking of...

"When am I going to meet this guy?"

Jin-Ah stops texting, looks up from her phone to give her brother a shy smile. "Well, to be honest I'm kinda waiting to do that. Let's say after 16 more dates?" "Oh good lord, you've went only on one date. How long will it take to reach 16?" To which Jin-Ah cheekily replies to, "Long enough for you to stop asking me about him~."

He definitely raised his younger sister well. 'She must really like the guy. I hope he treats her right. Otherwise we're gonna have a chat in the dark.'

It was times like this he wished he could see Mr. Woo. The man had some sort of ability that could make Jin-Woo relax. It was pretty damn awesome. 'Aah... When can I see you again Mr. Woo? These small yet memorable conversations we have aren't enough. Aren't enough to lessen this loneliness...'

Pressing his head on the table he unconsciously mumbles out loud. "I want to see you..."

Jin-Ah's POV

Her brother was a man full of talent yet was also incredibly stupid. If he was missing his mystery man then. Why not visit the dude? Unless the man is some sort of richy rich dude you can't meet without an appointment. Then everything else is free real estate.

'Sometimes oppa can forget the simplest solution to his problem.'

"Oppa... Have you, I don't know, just tried to visit him? Like in real life? With the way you're acting it's like he's not in the same country. Unless... He's a foreigner?" Jin-Ah was supportive when it comes to her brother. But even she has limits to said support. Especially when it comes to stupid things.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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