Chapter 12

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After a whole lot of frantic screams Jin-Woo finally calmed down.

'That was so lame! What if Mr. Woo thinks I'm stupid?! I might lose my chance of wooing him. Heh get it?'

The universe must have felt that he wasn't suffering enough. For-


Jin-Woo looks at his phone, wondering for a second on who could that be? It wasn't Mr. Woo that's for sure.

Grabbing the slim device, tapping on the message icon. He felt a vein pop in fury.

Out of all the things you could have said, that came out of yer mouth?!

I hope you all remember that I can kill you from afar.

Who cares?! Stripper!

Why I outta throttle you fuc-

Making fun of you aside.
You participating tonight?

whats gonna happen?

Aurgh this hopeless fool 😫
The auction is happening TONIGHT.
And like always the money you spent will be used for the bossman's charities.

Because apparently shyness is a thing with you simps.|

So tonight @ 9.
Code is same as always~!

He stared at the screen for a couple of minutes. Before darting towards his laptop and opening the auction site. He has to at least outdo the others who thought they can woo the cutest man alive.

Cracking his fingers, simp money prepared, he heads straight to the Chul war.


"Eun~ how are we doing?" Junho asks Eun who was busy typing on her laptop.

"Well lot's of overseas buyers are participating tonight. Shockingly enough the one anonymous buyer from China is here."

The other KHA employees turned their attention to her. China?

"Since when did we have a chinese buyer?"

"China? Seriously?"

"And here I taught having those americans plus a few Japanese as buyers were trouble enough. Now we have chinese buyers?"

"Maybe I should spread salt in the office..."

"Guys! Shut yer mouths! Eun! The chinese buyer?"

"Oh! Yeah I forgot. Well apparently we've been having way to many anonymous buyers right? And that's alright because some are from Korea or America."

At that the others nod their heads in confirmation.

"So I noticed just awhile ago, there was one buyer who was from abroad. And after a shit load of hacking and backtracing. I just found out it came from China."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well for starters, they weren't doing anything besides buy loads of pics. Dropping random donations here and there."

Hua presses her hands together and thinks for a moment.

'Eun is right. The simp hasn't done anything wrong... But this is china for god's sake! Having chinese buyers means they might be looking for something. Just like how the japanese tried to hack their way in our systems. Hmm...'

Hua made a decision.

"Alright. Let's monitor that chinese buyer for now. Have Rong and Choi on their tail, last I've heard from them. They were bored with watching the japanese. If there's something wrong report to me at once."

"Yes ma'am!"

Despite the bad feeling she got from that chinese buyer. Hua hopes that her intuition won't fail her now. But just for precaution she puts Hunter Sung on speed dial.


「Author's Note:」


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