Chapter 17:

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[Spoiler Alert: I don't know how the mood of the chapter dropped so low. But I hope the fluff in the end will make up for the slight angst in the surprise extra chapter.]


You know the universe absolutely hates you when you try your best and still don't fucking succeed.

He had tried to get a date with Mr. Woo and the universe is date-blocking him!

To make matters worse Jin-Ah and his phone are betraying him.

Him of all people!

The one who buys Jin-Ah her chicken.

And the one making Iphone rich! Fragile fucking thing that breaks at one drop.

Focus Jin-Woo!

Here he was downloading another translation app.

Annddd that's the million dollar question.

Why does he even need to do this to ask Mr. Woo out?

[Author-chan: Well maybe because I wrote you as a coward? Does that help?]

'Shut up Author-chan! Now you're breaking the 4th wall.'

Anyways moving on.

He doesn't know why things are going wrong for him. But he's determined to have that first date with Mr. Woo! And he will get that damn date if it's the last thing he'll do.

Alright. Like they say 3rd times the charm or some shit.

Hey Mr. Woo are you busy?

A few seconds later.

No. In fact, all of us have been free the whole day and it's scaring my employees.

Jin-Woo was now curious. Those monsters in human skin, scared?

No. Way.

If those asses were scared then Jin-Woo will believe pigs can fly.

《A thought Jin-Woo would later regret as one of his weekly raids with Jin-Ho ended with him... Getting hit in the face with a flying pig. Face covered in pig guts Jin-Ho was laughing behind him. If he wasn't busy killing the rest of the flying pigs. He would have destroyed Jin-Ho's ugly hat.》

I honestly never would have thought those fre- people would be scared of anything.

What happened anyways?

And like a broken dam the replies flooded his phone. (Get it? Coz dam and water... nvm. ;-;)

That's the problem. Nothing happened.

Honestly I'm a little nervous myself...

The last time it was this quiet was during the first year of the association's founding.

Times like these usually ends up with multiple casualties. It's why most of them are nervous.

Even the chairman said so...

The sudden onslaught of texts from Mr. Woo gave him an ephiphany. Jin-Woo honestly never thought about it until now. But the KHA has always been there since he first started? Like it was always there. He couldn't imagine what it was like when the KHA wasn't here. He wasn't one of those people who were forced to be hunters 10 years ago.

10 years ago was the start of the emergence of gates. It was the start of the so called the *Wanning Decade. And with it hunters and monsters alike sprouted.

Those who were capable of using their powers from the start had done their best to keep the rest of the people safe.

(But still... millions never survived the first year and the following years after...)

As a child Jin-Woo remembers earth shattering tremors. Ear piercing screams both from humans and monsters. Remembers clinging tight to his parents and a crying Jin-Ah. The fear and panic all of them felt back then...

Jin-Woo could never imagine what it was like to be one of the hunters during that time... It was why his reply was... lacking in something? Stupid? Totally not cool?

Maybe it's nothing? Just your average normal day. It's a sign that all of you are working hard.

He wants to lift his spirit. Jin-Woo wants and wants so much from him. So much that he doesn't know what to do at times. These feelings that never seem to go away no matter what. Heck some of his emotions are slowly fading away. And yet these ones seem way too stubborn.

Focus Jin-Woo!

I sure hope so. We're understaffed right now so peace and quiet is, without a doubt, very much welcomed.

Jin-Woo froze. He couldn't think of a response. He wasn't close to Mr. Woo's age which he found out only through those demons. *(They were only 6 years apart!) And said man was one of the Special Hunters during the WD.

'I... What do I say? I feel like my mind had gone blank. What kind of response could lift up his mood? I don't have many friends so I can't say for sure what I'm doing is right but here goes...'

У тебя все отлично, милый.
*[A cat has wept.]


More silence...

Then his mind went brrr sing off!

🎶Hello silence my old foeee~!
I see you've come to intrudeee again.
With this awkward-ness slowly creeping
It left me on freaking seen
And you're here agaiiiin.
Fuuuuck oooooff~

Do... you really mean it?


What you said just now...

Of course I do.

Thank you.

It really means a lot.

'What? The joke? You can't tell me that no one has ever told you a joke and I'm the first one. Please be still my foolish heart, I might die because of this.'

Glad to be of service! Hope that brought a smile to your face atleast.

Jin-Woo was happy to know that small piece of information and was about to close his phone when...

It did.

Laughs. "Ok. Now that's just unfair you tease."


Author's Note:

* Wanning Decade: I don't know if you can tell but I was watching One Piece Wano Arc when I made this chapter. I wrote Wano Decade😂 and quickly changed it to Wanning instead.

* Age: In Jin-Chul's wiki it said he was in his mid-thirties. And I didn't want to make him too old so 30 is right for me.💜💜

* Russian Sentence: It means "You're doing great, honey/sweetheart."

* This one was a phrase I've heard from one of my friends but forgot the meaning. And I thought it was really funny, a cat has wept. When in reality cats don't cry, if they do they're tears are small in quantity.

Surprise Extra Chapter coming your way! Spoiler alert it's short and kinda depressing.😭😭😭

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