Escaping My Past

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"Wait!! Bae, where you going to go?" Damon yelled, while watching his fiancée pack her and his only daughter clothes.

Face full of tears. "I don't know. You should of had all this figured out Damon. You knew this day was coming" Sherrie said.

As she gathered their belongings quickly. Damon ran to lock all the doors. Running back up the steps. Damon begged Sherri to stay. "Baby please. Imma make this right. Somebody's going to pay. Just don't leave me. Don't take my daughter away anymore".

Sherrie closed the door so her 7 year old daughter wouldn't hear the commotion. She walked to Damon. Looked into his grayish blue eyes and spit in his face.

"They shot up my fucking car!! With your daughter in it! You did this. YOU" Sherrie yelled. "I want you out our fucking life! Live this life on your own. But you will not drag me and our daughter in it with you. Get out my fucking way".

Damon look at her with tears in his eyes. He know she's serious.

He see the pain & disappointment in her eyes. He has no choice but to let her go. He steps to the side and let her open the door. Sherrie grabs the belongings she packed. Open the door to see Donna standing in the hallway. She walk to her, grab her hand and head down the steps.

Donna whispers.. "Daddy.. Come on". Damon falls to his knees. He's exhausted. He feels like this may be the last time he see his fiancée and daughter.

Sherrie drives her bullet riddled car to the lake where she parks. Takes a deep breathe and turn to her daughter. "Donna baby!" Donna looks up at her mom confused. "We have to move. Do you trust me"? Sherrie asked.

Donna puts her head down. Sherrie turn around and throws her head onto her steering wheel. Her ringtone We Still by Tamia plays loudly and startles her. Donna recognizing the tone, screams

"DADDY!" Sherrie pauses for a moment. Finally answering.

"Damon I'm not..."

"SHERRIE.. LEAVE! NOW!" Damon yells into the phone while breathing heavily.

Sherrie hears her fiancée running with shots being fired. "GO! DONT COME BACK. IMA COME GET YOU!" The phone disconnects.

Trying to hide her emotions.

Sherrie lets out a silent cry. Her eyes were shut tight as the tears drenched her shirt. "Mommie, is daddy coming?" Donna asked. Sherrie wipes her face with her shirts and turns to her.

" Yes honey, that's what I was trying to tell you. We're moving. Your daddy will meet us ok pumpkin?"

Donna begin to smile. Sherrie gathered the little things she had with her. They got out of the car. Sherrie asked Donna to sit by the lake and feed the ducks while she cleaned the car.

Sherrie quickly bleached the entire car. She went to the trunk and removed a gray and white book sack. She put the car in neutral. The car rolled into the lake.

Donna looked in shocked. "Mom the car is drowning."

Sherrie walked to her and said " I know baby. It was broken with all the holes in it. Let's go buy another one." Donna smiled and agreed.

They walked up the lake with their bags and a half dressed build a bear that Damon gave to Donna when she was three.

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