Year 2: 03

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[As the Anglia drops through a pink sky, a haphazard mess of a HOUSE, built around a towering central chimney, appears below. By the road, a lopsided SIGN reads: THE BURROW. FLUMPH! The car touches down in a WHIRLING CONE of dust, scatters a group of chickens, and fishtails to a halt. The boys spill quickly out of the car.]

Fred: [WHISPERS urgently] Hurry! Let's nip inside before Mum wakes up!

"Good luck with that." Bill and Charlie laughed knowing that it would never work.

Aurora: You sure that's possible?  [Aurora questions]

"No." All the Weasley kids and golden quadrant said.

[The boys and Aurora sneak inside, gently close the door. Harry stops. Magical objects surround him: A CLOCK displays different chores for each family member. A pair of  NEEDLES knit a sweater by themselves. And a stack of PLAYING CARDS that. A stack of PLAYING CARDS SHUFFLE themselves, providing a cooling breeze for Ron's aging rat, SCABBERS. Ron shrugs, averts his eyes self-consciously.]

Everyone except Lucius and Dumbridge stared at the screen thinking how homely THE BURROW is.

"It's the most homely place." Aurora smiled at the screen. 

"Agree." Both Harry and Hermione agreed. Molly was silently crying out for happiness. She always wanted those three to feel loved and home like. Especially to Harry and Aurora.

Ron: It's not much.

Harry: I think it's... brilliant!

Aurora: It's thousand times amazing than you told us.

[Ron looks up. Sees Harry's amd Aurora's mesmerized face. Slowly...  GRINS.]

Mrs.Weasley (O.S.): WHERE... HAVE... YOU... BEEN?!

Everyone covered their ears. Molly blushed, embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry boys." Molly sighed. "I had no idea Harry was in such a stated. Aurora too."

Molly added causing Aurora to look down at her feet again. She didn't want to talk about her past life. Cedric stared at her sadly from a corner. So was William, who did not forget to glare at Cedric now and then. 

[The boys nearly jump out of their skin. MRS. WEASLEY stands in the doorway. Furious. She smiles sweetly at Harry and Aurora who looled pale as a ghost. The furious outburst had shuffled her with her recent experience.]

"Oh dear! I had no idea." Aurora hugged Molly as Molly apologised.

"It's fine Mrs. Weasley." Aurora assured her.

Mrs. Weasley: Harry! How wonderful to see you. You must be Aurora. It's nice to meet you in person, dear. Boys told me a lot about you. Especially the twins.  [back to the boys]Beds empty! No note! You could've died! You could've been seen! [again, to Harry and Aurora] I don't blame you two, of course, dears.

"Is she kinda bipolar?" Dean mumbled to seamus.

"Maybe...." Seamus replied.

Ron: They were starving him, Mum! There were bars on his window!

Mrs.Weasley: You best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!

"It's fine mom." Ron said as he saw the look on his mother's face.

(softening instantly) Care for a spot of tea, Harry? Aurora?

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