Between movies

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The situation after the second movie was much more chaotic than the situation after the first movie. A very angry Julianne and a very angry Lily stormed after Lucius and Gilderoy as two of them ran away like the cowards they are. Aurora could swear her mom and aunt would have cursed the living out of Voldemort if he wasn't already gone. Voldey would shit in his pants if he saw the look on the two sister-in-law's faces.

Sirius, James and Remus were cornering a trembling Mr Clarke and Regulus found himself with the Marauder trio in threatening the trembling muggle. Aurora was not allowed to go near them. Tonks sat with Aurora and friends to keep and eye one Aurora, feeding baby Teddy with the help of Aurora. It was one way to keep Aurora away from all the commotion. Aurora would leave the world behind for her little Teddy bear.

William was with his fellow Slytherins. But he could not keep his eyes away from a certain Gryffindor girl. He knew Aurora was still suffering inside. It was the part of her history that Aurora was trying to forget.

"I can't wait for the next movie." Said Tonks. "I want to see the look on that old bats face when she realize you are her grand daughter."

Aurora was too drowned in her thoughts to hear any of it. She was replaying all the horrible memories as she played with baby Teddy's hair whoch was now matching the vibrant grey of Aurora's eyes. Tonks nudged Aurora, breaking her out of the train of miserable thoughts.

"What?" Aurora asked.

"I said, I'm looking forward to see the face of that old bat Walburga when she find out about you being her granddaughter." Said Tonks.

"Yeah. That'd be fun." Aurora replied but her vice was dull. Her eyes caught a glimps of a figure in the far corner of the ground, hiding in the shadow of a huge tree; Ced.

Aurora walked away from Tonks and the trio as she saw him.

"Ro, where are you going?" Hermione asked, worried.

"I'm just gonna say hi to Ced." Aurora replied, not bothered to turn around.

Cedric knew Aurora was walking towards him, way before she reached him.

"Hello, Nova." Cedric smiled to himself.

"Not you too." Aurora rolled her eyes. "That name does not feel like me."

"But it suits you. You are a free spirited one." Cedric chuckled.

"But that's not even the real name. That's just a nickname." She rolled her eyes again.

Neither spoke for the next couple of minutes. Just sitting there, facing the back lake brought back their old memories, the peaceful ones.

"How are you alive, Ced?" Aurora broke the silence. The question was eating her up for so long. "I saw your lifeless corpse. I cried over it. Your eyes, they were lifeless when I looked in to them. Don't tell me I'm wrong, Ced. That's exactly how it was. I see it for years now, everyime I close my eyes."

"To be honest, I don't know how I survived. They said I was not completely gone, but I was dying." Cedric took Aurora's shaking hand in his.

"Who's they?" Aurora frowned.

"The ones who brought me back to life. My new family." He rubbed circles on the back of her hand.

"And how did your new family do that? How did they bring you back to life?" Aurora asked.

Cedric sighed and stood up. "It's only a matter of time you figure it out on your own. Better tell you before that and save my self from the wrath of angry Aurora." He chuckled as he spoke.

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