Ring around the rosie

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Ring around the rosie.

"I'm sorry, MrSimpkins. The answer is no, no, no. Six down, four to go." the man running a tv show said.

"I've got no time to argue. It's got to be done tonight." Cruella said to Jasper and Horace.

"It must be a yes or no question." the man spoke again.

"Do you understand? Tonight!" Cruella said, waving her hands in the air.

"But they ain 't big enough."Horace said, before Jasper spoke up. 

"You couldn't get half a dozen coats out of the whole caboodle."  Jasper said, to cruella clearly looking for excuses not to do it.

"Coats! Dog-skin coats?" Tibs asked, watching the commotion.

"We'll settle for half a dozen! We can't wait. The police are everywhere. I want the job done tonight!" cruella said, waving her cigarette in the air.

"How're we gonna do it?" Horace asked Cruella.

"Any way you like. Poison them, drown them. Bash them in the head. You got any chloroform?" Cruella said, listing off ways to kill the dogs.

"Not a drop." Jasper said, looking at her.

"And no ether, "ee-ther"." Horace said, trying to say eyether.

""Eye-ther"!" Jasper said, bashing Horace on the head.

"I don't care how you kill the little beasts, but do it... and do it now!" Cruella said, getting agitated.

"Aw, please, miss. Have pity. Can't we see the rest of the show first? We want to see "What's My Crime?"" Jasper said, not wanting to do the job right now.

"Listen, you idiots! I'll be back in the morning. The job better be done... or I'll...  I'll call the police!Do you understand?" Cruella threatened. Cruella slammed the door making part of the ceiling fall on Horace.

"I think she means it." Horace said, lifting the ceiling piece.

"Ah... We'll get on with it... as soon as the show's over." Jasper said, turning on the tv.

"Will you please sign in, sir?" the voice said again.

"You'd better get out of here if you want to save your skins." Tibs said, catching the puppies' attention.

"But how?" a pup asked.

"Shh. There's a hole in the wall there by the door. C'mon, shake a leg. Psst. Kids, follow me." Tibs said, leading the puppies to the hole in the wall.

"Hey, Jasper, look! Ha-ha-ha-ha. It's old Meathead." Horace said, pointing to a guy writing his name on a chalkboard.

"Yeah, what do you know... old Meathead Fauncewater." Jasper said, not noticing the puppies leaving.

"C'mon, don't crowd. One at a time. One at a time!" Tibs said, as puppies crowded trying to get out.

"For our last contestant, meet Mr Percival Fauncewater. If the panel fails to guess your unusual crime in ten questions, you will receive two weeks vacation at a seaside resort, all expenses paid. That is, after you've paid your debt to society. Who will take the first question? Inspector?" the host said, pointing to the inspector.

"Could your crime be classified as larceny? A theft, burglary?" the inspector asked.

"Straighten out! Form a queue... along the wall. Snap it up." Tibs said, lining up the puppies.

"Mr Fauncewater is a burglary trade, but in this case, his crime was not burglary. The answer is no. One down, nine to go. Miss Birdwell?" the host said, asking Miss Birdwell.

"If your crime wasn't robbery, did you... Oh, dear, what I mean is... Do something of a violent nature, that is..." miss Birdwell said, stumbling on her words.

"Come, Miss Birdwell, we're running short of time." the host said, looking at the clock.

"So sorry. Did you do someone in?" Miss Birdwell said.

"Oh! I'm sorry. The answer is no. Two down, eight to go. Mr Simpkins?" the host said, flipping a number down.

"Psst. Hey, kid, let's go." Tibs said, to Lucky.

"Could it be a violation of a city ordinance?" Mr Simpkins asked.

"No." the host said, buntly. Tibs tried grabbing Lucky's tail but he got on the tv.

"Hey, get out of the way you little runt!" Horace said, giving Lucky to Jasper. Jasper threw Lucky but before he could hit the scratchy carpet Tibs caught him. Tibs tripped on some cans and Lucky flew through the hole in the wall.

"Three down, seven to go. Inspector?" the host said, turning to the inspector.

"Very confusing, I must say. Surely, this crime could..." the inspector said, before he was interrupted by a bell.

"I'm terribly sorry. We've run out of time." the host said, looking at the clock.

"Ain't that always the way!" Horace said, disappointed.

"Would it be possible for Mr Fauncewater to come back next week? Then we could finish our little game." the host asked, shacking mr. Fauncewater's hand.

"Goodnight, audience. See you next week at this same time... on "What's My Crime?"" the host said before Jasper turned off the tv.

"Ah, oh well. C'mon, Horace. Let's get on with it. I'll pop 'em on the head, you do the skinnin'." Jasper said, picking up a metal pole.

"No you don't, Jasper! I'll pop 'em off and you do the skinnin'." Horace said, taking a leg of a chair.

"Horace, look! They're gone. They flew the coop... right out through this hole. Here, grab a torch. We'll run 'em down before you can say "Bob's your uncle". There they go, Horace, up the stairs. Here puppies. Here, puppies! C'mon now. Don't go hiding from ol' Uncle Jasper. I ain't gonna hurt ya." Jasper said, trying to get the puppies to come out.

"I thought we was gonna pop 'em off." Horace said, confused.

"Shut up. Take a squint in there. I'll check these other two rooms." Jasper said, going into the first room.

"Here, puppies. Come on out. Come out wherever you are." Jasper said, lifting the sheets covering the bed. Tibs and the puppies ran out trampling over Jasper.

"Horace! Oh! It's that mangy tabby cat. He's the ringleader. Head 'em off. Head 'em... You bungling blockhead!

"Back here! Back here! Shh. Here they come." Tibs said, under the stairs.

"Double-crossin 'little twerps, pullin 'a snitch on us! After we took care of 'em.

"There's gratitude for you. It ain't fair, Jasper." Horace said, moving the flashlight. Tibs grabbed Rolly's tail, Rolly let out a yelp which alerted Jasper and Horace.

"Horace, there they go!" Jasper said, chasing after the puppies.

"Sergeant? I say, Sergeant." Colonel said, catching Tibs attention.

"No time to explain. Busy, sir." Tibs said, before leading the puppies back into the room with the tv.

"Shut that door! We'll close in on 'em. Enough of this "Ring Around the Rosy"." Jasper said, closing the doors so the puppies can't escape.

1120 words

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