V - True Love's Kiss

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Mind your footsteps. Cassana heard her mother's voice one more time. She and her mother would argue a lot when she was younger. It's the middle of the day, everybody's awake! That was the excuse she always gave. But since her death, her voice had gained a different kind of power in her consciousness. She disappointed her mother when she was alive, she couldn't bear to disappoint her still now that she was gone.

     Cassana complied to the voice and tiptoed her way across the corridor. She reached outside her room and glanced left and right before carefully opening the door.

     As soon as she closed the door behind her, she felt Otheric's arm wrap around her waist. He pressed her body against the wooden door and planted his lips against hers. Cassana returned in kind. He placed his other hand on her cheeks, stroking them gently, while Cassana's hands found their way to his chest. She squeezed the collars of his tunic and pulled his body much closer to hers.

     "I thought we're going to talk?" Cassana asked the drow after being released from his kiss.

     Otheric lifted Cassana up from her hips, walked towards the bed and hopped onto the padded mattress, bringing her with him. They laid on their sides facing each other, and he stroked her red flaming hair. "There wasn't a day in my travels that I have not thought of you. Every moment, I wished that I could hold you in my arms, gaze into your eyes, and kiss your lips."

     Cassana felt the drow's warm skin over hers, and a little crack of electricity started crawling through her body. She puckered her lips and stared back at the young drow. He turned Cassana's back to the bed, then he laid on top of her. His hands reached her waist and he started loosening her blouse, while his mouth went to her neck and started kissing it. She lifted his chin for a moment to give him a warning. "I smell."

     "Of cinnamon and vinegar," he replied, "of cumin and bay leaf, and basil, and pepper and chervil... A hundred flavors and a dozen tastes. My mouth waters and my tongue craves."

     "I know that was meant to be romantic but, you make me sound like I'm some kind of roast pork." Cassana whispered and smiled, they both giggled. The drow passionately made his way down to her bosom and her mischievous grin turned to a gasp of pleasure. He continued on, down to her belly, and to her mound, until, after a gentle pull of her skirt, finally reaching her lady nest. She received his mouth and tongue with a quiet moan, and she bit her lips to keep herself from sounding louder.

     Cassana struggled to kick off her skirt from her legs, and she wrapped her naked legs around her partner's body. He continued on, and like a brewing storm, flashes of lightning blinded her eyes, over and over, that culminated in a loud booming thunder reverberating through her body.

     Cassana raised Otheric's chin and peered through his melancholic, cherry-red eyes. She took a moment to savor the sensation, before pulling him down into the bed once more, this time turning their bodies around. She sat on his hips, untied his trousers and pulled them away. She then guided his member to her area, and paid him back what he was due.


     Cassana fiddled through her drawers, but the limited sunlight coming from the cracked window was giving her a hard time to see the contents of the dozen bottles stored inside. She recited a word and waved her hand and a small flame appeared hovering above her palm.

     "I thought you couldn't do that without your staff?" Otheric commented.

     Cassana raised her other arm and gave it a shake, showing off the jeweled bracelet wrapped around it. "A small nugget of quartz is all I need for a simple prestidigitation such as this." She pulled open the last drawer and started scanning, "but, for bigger, more powerful spells and conjurations, of course, I will need to have an equally powerful, and large, focusing stone." She continued, matter-of-factly.

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