XI - Night At The Museum

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A tender wind swept the clouds and half of the moon peeped out from hiding, like a little child's head looking down at them, watching what they were doing. It illuminated the night enough for Minos and Rei to see the entire manor and what surrounded it.

     "So..." Minos faced Rei, impressed with himself. "Breaking and entering. That's your expertise, right?"

     Rei dismissed Minos' comment and went up to the window quietly tapping its iron-framed glass. After a careful study, he pulled out the tools he had hanging by his belt. He rolled out its cloth-wrap over his arm, revealing a diamond-edged glass cutter, a small file, narrow scissors, and lock picks of various sizes.

     Rei picked up the cutter and worked his way to the glass window, cutting out a small hole the size of his fist. The foreigner reached through the hole and carefully turned the latch that was keeping the window closed. Afterwards, he quietly pulled the window open.

     "Good work." Minos whispered.

     The pair silently hopped in through the window. They then found themselves in a dark corridor, with windows to the exterior running on one side, and doors to different rooms running on the other side. Minos reached for the nearest door and tried twisting its handle but it was locked.

     "How many drows do you think are in here?" Minos asked his companion. To which he just shrugged, expectedly. The young nobleman sneaked across the length of the corridor, checking each door until he found one that wasn't locked. He gestured for his companion to keep quiet, which he realized half-a-second later was pointless. They both gently opened the door.

     Behind it laid a spacious room. Minos could perceive several objects in front of them but couldn't identify what they were. "Hand me the torch, will you?"

     "No," replied his companion.

     "Oh so you're talking again?"

     "No lights."

     "How are we gonna walk across this darkness?"

     The foreigner grabbed another pouch from his belt. This time it contained several potions. He picked the only one that was glowing and returned the rest.

     "How much stuff can your utility belt carry?" Minos asked, perplexed.

     The foreigner ignored him and pulled the stopper off the vial. He then drank half of its contents and handed what remained to Minos.

     "What does it do?"

     "Just drink it."

     "No way I'm gonna drink something without knowing what it does first."

     Rei pulled back his arm and feigned to drink the rest of the potion. With much frustration, Minos took the vial away from him.

     "Fine." He gulped.

     Almost immediately, his head felt numb. Then, a throbbing sensation started crawling from the back of his skull towards his eyes. He grimaced as his vision turned blurry, and after blinking a few times, it started to slowly return to normal. Perhaps, more than normal, as now he could see things inside the room as if they were being shined by a full moon light.

     "Well that was something..." he remarked.

     He started walking around the room. They are surrounded by more than a dozen vitrines, holding some artifact or trinket. He walked towards one, it was a dummy adorned with a rusted half-plate armor, encased on a box made of glass. He walked towards a table and on top of it laid a long glass box holding a bronze scepter inside.

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