VIII - Attack Of The Drows

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Cassana was already about to reach the dagger from Ashvell's hips when he grabbed the thick book and stood up followed by two giant steps. He then tossed the book on the female drow, knocking her off her seat. "Bonnie, run!" he shouted to the young lass.

     From his peripheral, he saw the archer nock and shoot an arrow that he managed to dodge without a problem. Unflinching, the young driver rushed the drow archer who was just about to nock another arrow. He landed a straight hook to his face, followed by a body blow. The archer evaded the third punch, and quickly changed his stance by dropping his bow and facing Ashvell with his fists above his chin.

     Cassana crawled underneath the table, frustrated for failing to grab Ashvell's dagger on time. She crawled towards the other end of the room, crouching from table to table, hoping to incapacitate the tall drow with two axes. She could tell they were searching for her before immediately realizing a mistake in her action. I should have gone down to the cellar to grab my staff instead.

     Too late to go back, she continued creeping on her way. "No use hiding from us, you know we can see you in the dark," the boisterous drow screamed. Of course Cassana knew that, but she also knew that drows can't see through solid objects, so if there was any time to be thankful for not wiping the floor, this will be that moment. Since she forgot to clear the tables and chairs to the side of the room yet, there was plenty of space for her to hide.

     She finally reached the end of the room, and watched the drows moving about, kicking and tossing the obstacles on their way. She could see Bonnie, also hiding under the table, shaking and crying. She noticed the tall drow moving towards her position and she moved sideways to avoid being seen. Are they too stupid to bend down? She thought. As the drow turned away, Cassana sprung up from hiding and immediately grabbed him along his belly. She used to do this with Ashvell when they were horsing around as kids, and something she does with Otheric as they play around the bed. She then lifted her legs from the ground, changing her center of weight and knocking the drow off his balance.

     The tall drow landed on his back with a loud thud. She twisted her leg around his thigh, and reached for his helmet. With a quick incantation, she casted a spell. Heat metal. A simple spell that any child can do; it'll only last for a short time, but it also won't drain too much energy from her body. She knew she didn't have enough physical strength to keep his opponent at bay, but his red-hot helmet should be enough to keep him occupied while she deals with the short drow.

     The tall drow let out a painful scream and dropped his axes to the floor. Cassana watched him squirm on the ground, desperately trying to remove his helmet. She grabbed one of the axes and faced the short drow. "You're looking for me?"

     If she had it her way, she would cast a charm on the axes and have them fly around and attack her opponents by themselves. But she would have pass out even before she finishes the incantation. I could really use that staff right now. The short drow ran towards her screaming, right arm raised with her dagger. Cassana met her at the center of the room where the tables and chairs had been cleared away. For somebody who used daggers, the short drow was not very good at concealing her attack. Cassana easily grabbed her wrist and pulled it to the side, before making a swing with her axe.

     Her blow was not strong enough to penetrate the drow's armor. She chuckled at her failed attempt and before Cassana could even pull her arm back for a follow through, the drow had already slashed on her belly with another dagger on her left that the redhead was sure wasn't there earlier. She glanced down to where she was hit and saw tattered parts of her blouse falling on the floor.

     Still grabbing the drow's right wrist, Cassana shifted her weight and threw a kick that landed on her groin. She freed her opponent's wrist and she used the same arm to punch her on her breast. "Bitch!" the drow shouted, staggering backwards.

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