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Hey everyone! I'm Tagabalon and here is my tiny little fantasy novel. I hope you like it.

The idea for this one came to me a long time ago in the form of a manga. Unsatisfied my own drawing skills, it never went anywhere until I turned it into an RPG adventure. I took it's outline and ran it as a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with my group of friends. By doing so, the story became richer, getting a different flavor and adding more characters.

After a couple dozen sessions, we stopped playing due to different circumstances. And then COVID happened, and I found myself stuck in my house, unable to play D&D again. When not working from home, I spent my days watching Netflix. Then one day, as I was binging the adaptation for Shadow and Bones, it hit me: I should turn it into a novel!

And so I did, and here it is, the result of weeks and weeks of motivating myself to write. 

However, throughout the process, a lot of things have changed. For one, what was supposed to be an introductory chapter turned into a 40,000-word caper that highlighted the skills, background, and relationship of my five major characters. So then I decided to split the story into multiple parts.

Right here is the first part. It introduces the character of Cassana and her humble little village. It starts with Minos (pronounced as mee-nohs) and his trusted buddy Rei. We meet the handsome lumberjack Ashvell, and the adorable little boy, Robb. Basically, the main party of adventurers that we would follow for the rest of the story.

For all intents and purposes, this book is complete. The second part is on it's way and will be released as a separate book, called Part 2: State of Panic. As for the rest of the parts.. we'll see.

As of Februrary 2024, this book is only available on 2 sites: the latest revised version is here on Wattpad, and the first version is on a site called GoodNovel (where I write as M.C. Tolfo). I also plan to release it on Royal Road and should be available there if my submission is accepted. Once I finish releasing part 1 there, I will start releasing part 2 both here and on Royal Road. At least that's the plan.

And that's it. I hope you enjoy reading, and let me know what you think in the comments.

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