The Walk.

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I was completely lost for words and somehow my brain forgotten how to control my body. I was in thought when I saw Lucas come in front of me and hold my face. "Koa hey" all I ways thinking of what was I going to do next. What was my next move and how incredibly stupid and hurt I was.

Everyone then turned there attention to the door where James walked in looking at his phone. He looked up and noticed everyone looking at him. I then tried to walk towards him only for my legs go numb. James being quick, quickly caught me and held me up in his arms. I glanced up at him and felt tears in my eyes. "Koa what-

"Is it true? Did you-are you cheat-cheating on me?" If he didn't say it his face surly did. He started to hold me tighter and pulled me closer. "Koa let me explain okay-

After hearing those words I quickly try to get free from and grab my things. "Koa I promise I didn't know, I promise" Dae said with tears in her eyes. I nodded and rubbed her arm, I continued walking when I was pulled to a stop. "Koa please...let me explain" I turned to him and looked at him.

"When did it start?"

"I met her the day we found out Lucas was our boss. After that we became good friends. We always had fights and I was so sure that you would leave me. Koa I was scared and didn't know what to do."

I laughed, "so you just decided to cheat on me. What about telling me? What about my feelings James? Who was watching out for me? Huh? I trusted you, I loved you James. I put you first before anything.-

"I know, that's why I'm sorry Koa. I wasn't thinking! I'm sorry it just happened" I huffed and continued walking out the room. I was now outside standing in front of the building. I sighed and felt rain starting to pore from the sky. I then started walking I didn't care where I just walked till I couldn't anymore.

Sorry it's short....

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