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I was walking and walking until I noticed a familiar car. I turned to see the apartments building. I walked inside and asked if Lucas lived here. They called someone first and then gave me a number and code to press for the elevator. I went inside to see the number and then a code pad. Once I did everything I waited emotionless for the elevator I stop. It soon opened to a beautiful penthouse. I walked in only a second later to be brought into a embrace. I took a sniff and realized it was Lucas.

He soon let go checking me for injuries. Once he saw I was okay he cupped my face and looked directly in my eyes. I couldn't hold it back anymore, wanting to let it all out I did exactly that. I lost all strength in my body and fell to the floor crying in agony. He followed me and held me in his arms holding me tightly. As he whisper sweet nothing in my ears, as I felt myself slowly drift away.


I woke up in a huge bed surrounded by pillows and blankets. I glanced over to see Lucas doing work at his desk. I crawled to over more enough just to touch the back of his neck. He grabbed my hand and turned around. "How are you feeling?" I nodded giving him a smile. "You don't have to be tough, not here, not with me" i nodded and felt tears falling again. "I trusted him" he rubbed his thumb over my small knuckles. "I never did anything for him not to trust me. I'm just-just so confused, was it something I did or said?" He quickly got on the bed and forced me to look at him.

"Koa with every fiber in me I can't stress this enough. You are not the problem. He should've came to you, he should've talked it out with you. Instead he chose to cheat and hurt you. I know I'm the last person to say these things but your the last person that deserves this. You deserve more." I smiled nodding my head giving him a hug letting my tears fall in his shirt. He laid us back and rubbed my back until I started drifting again.

"I don't care how long it takes, I'll continue to love you" he whispered.

"You promise" I sluggishly asked.

"I Hope Forever" he said smiling, with that being said we both drifted off into a nice slumber.

Time seemed to pass by and Lucas haven't left my side yet. He brought me food, he played with Halo, he spent almost every day with me. Every single day since that day has been hard but with him it seems to faded every second that passed. I haven't talked to James since that day, I want to make sure that when we do ever met again that there's not hate in my heart. Ja'Dae on the other hand has been in contact with me. We actually still hang out sometimes even with Soo who's became her friend as well.
Things in life right now was getting better and I want going to let anything ruin it.

"Koa breakfast" Lucas yelled from downstairs. I put the papers down and ran out his room. I made it to the kitchen to see him putting pancakes on a plate. I smiled and hugged him before ruining and sitting down to eat. He soon joined me and we ate silently enjoying our food.

After eating we got ready for work. Oh did I mention I particularly live with him. I sleep in the guest room, since the break up I wasn't capable of taking care of myself; so it's gotten a habit of staying with each other. When then got ready and met each other in the elevator. "Are you ready for your first day back?" I nodded eagerly. He laughed as we walk to his car and began our drive their. Once we made it to the building my heart started to jump. "Hey you don't have to go in, I can take you-

"No it's fine plus I'm not some kid who needs to be shielded from the world...right?" I asked nervously. He let out a chuckle and nodded, "right" I agreed and got out the car along with Lucas. We entered the building and made our way to his office. "I should head to my area I'll see you later" he nodded and waved goodbye. I left going to my area to see Soo, Leo and Dae. They noticed me walking up and started bowing. I laughed and hit their shoulders, "we missed you so much" they yelled in sync. We laughed and talked the whole day. Of course while doing work. And I can honestly say I missed them with all my heart.

The day was coming to an end and I was currently outside waiting on Lucas. "Koa" I felt my heart pick up its pace as I heard that oh so we'll known voice. I slowly glanced to the side to see James. "Hey" he smiled and came closer, "you came back to work?" I nodded giving a confused look. "Where you not here today?" He shook his head. "I actually quit the day after you left...I figured a new start would be nice" I nodded.

"Koa about that day--I'm sorry. I should've talked to you before doing anything. I should've fought for you and loved you more. I should've believed in you. I know this won't bring you back to me. But I wanted to say sorry it's the least I could do" I smiled and rushed to hug him.

"I forgive matter what happens...I'm happy I was given the chance to love you" I whispered giving him one last squeeze. We let go and smiled at each other. "Bye Koa my first love" he said letting go, I waved and watched as he disappeared into the crowd of people. "You okay?" Lucas asked walking to my side. I turned to him and nodded.

"Come I have something to show you" we got in the car and began driving to the unknown place.

I Hope Forever.Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu