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The scene opens in Seattle, Washington.

"We're getting reports from the Coast Guard about a developing situation at the harbor front." A 9-1-1 operator said. "We have a lot of unmarked container airships aproaching. They're refusing to identify themselves."

On July 4, 2043, during Independence Day.
The Cold War was suppose to end.

Then the scene then cuts to the harbor. As police arrived they heard a humming sound.
Then a Manta Gunship appeared. And attacked the police unit.

But it didn't.

"11-99 i repeat, 11-99 emergency!" An officer said. "They have gunships. i repeat, gunships!."

"Need help immediately, America is under Attack."

The scene then turns to Atlesian Soldiers and Vehicles disembarking from their airships. Mantas dropping Atlesian soldiers and Knights.

Scene cut again to an Atlesian General.
"The Vulture has been fed and the world shall see our might." The general said. "Now... clear the skies."

Then an Atlesian Paladin aims towards a news helicopter. It then fires guided rockets towards it and destroys the helicopter.

The scene changes to the outskirts of Seattle.
As US forces arrived. With tanks and armored vehicles.

The scene then changes to the streets of the city as Atlesian and American forces fought.
With American force supported by an M3 Bradley.

A scene cuts to a neighborhood with an M1A3 supported by infantry gets fired upon by a Manta Gunship.

The scene then turns to the beaches of Florida as US forces halted the Atlesian invaders.

And the scene turns again this time from an Atlesian soldier's perspective. As he and his comrades jump of a Bullhead.

We then watch as Seattle burns with explosions everywhere.

Then the scene went black with writing.

At the Hands of the Old: Second Great War

A/N: I hope you guys liked the trailer. This came from my favorite game World in Conflict. Thanks for reading, yeeetrt, out.

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