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"Hold still." Julia said and knew that it was rather useless to say, since Max was already moving all over the lab, trying to find her and only just kept crashing into things all around his room.

Julia dreaded what she had to do, but it was either revealing her secret or endlessly listening to the sounds of Max crashing into things and breaking his inventions. Also, possibly himself but it would be absolutely dishonest and frankly absurd to say that was among her topmost priorities at the moment.

Max found that he could see, sort of and he turned around to see that Julia was holding a ball of flames, cupped and held in her left hand. "I know that I have some explaining to do." She admits and Max nodded slightly, as she looked over at the fuse. "Let's see what's wrong with the fuse first though, I haven't used these abilities in a while." Julia murmured and Max nodded.

"Can you direct the light over here first? I need to find the toolbox." Max admitted and Julia laughed a little, as she split the fire into two and she walked over in the direction that he was pointing, as Max crouched under the desk and he dragged the heavy toolbox out from under one of the many desks. "Got it. Also, ow, this thing is heavy." Max mumbled and Julia sighed. Julia combined the two small balls of flame into one, as she helped him lift the toolbox and Julia was grunting.

"Jeez! How many tools have you got stuffed into this toolbox, Max?" Julia asked and Max shook his head at her words. "Never mind, forget I asked. You're Max Thunderman, you probably have about five hundred more filled with tools, stashed all around here." She muttered and Max opened the toolbox, and Julia pried the fuse box open.

"This is useless." Max said after an hour of trying to get the power back on and the cold was starting to creep in. "Are you getting cold?" He asked and Julia sighed, as she handed him a blanket.

"My body temperature runs so high that all of the hospital machines there in the building, they would immediately register me as deceased because of how warm my body temperature is. My mother had the same problem." Julia murmured and Max was shivering. "Hold on." She said and he was using his heat breath to try to warm himself up. "Save your powers, weirdo. I'm the one who can heat an entire room up at will." She pointed out and Max snuggled closer to her, as Julia exhaled a wave of pure heat and the room was warming up immediately.

"So it was you at the school." Max noted and Julia nodded, as she sighed. "But you are still a Sensate, right?" He asked and Julia lifted her shoulder in a shrug, as she nodded.

"I was born with the two. My Sensate abilities that my mother wanted me for, in order to build up an army made up for entirely evil supers and my fire abilities, which I inherited from her and not from my father. My mom was the super-villain known by the name of Scaldor. Which would be where Doctor Collosos knows her from, no doubt. While my father is Chiller, the superhero that chose to act human. I got my ability to control water from him." Julia admitted and Max looked at her.

"Control water? Well, you have oppositional powers then. Fire and water." Max noted as Julia nodded and he sighed. "Why did you not tell me?" He had to know and Julia worked to convince herself that it was necessary for him to know as well.

"Because I am ashamed of my parents, Max. My mother was a villain who terrorized the world with her super evil army and I was used to help convince them to join up with my mother, who cited me as inspiration and as a reason to join with them, to protect the next generation of the supers that would come along. And as for my father-- well, let's just say that there is not a good reason for me wanting to constantly sleep over here and camp out on the lawn." Julia admitted and Max, he moved his arms around her in a hug.

"Can you cut it out with the heat? It's 7 in the evening and I am already falling asleep." He mumbled and Julia chuckled, as she summoned the heat back toward her and she sighed at him.

"I don't hate you, Max, you know that right?" Julia asked and Max nodded, and she suddenly yelped as he had begun to tickle her. "Ahh, stop!" Julia was laughing quite despite herself, and now Max was laughing as he ducked her swings and when he finally stopped, Julia fell asleep as soon as the laughter was gone.

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