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|HiddenVille High School|

Julia was now standing right next to both Cherry and Phoebe, having been roped right into the situation that she was currently stuck in the middle of... like, literally.

"Uh, what the heck are you three looking at?" Max asked and Julia tore her eyes away from the floor and she sighed in relief, when he was the one standing right there.

"Don't tell him, Julia." Phoebe warns Julia who was definitely not in the or really any mood at all, that required listening to her by any means at all.

"Those two are both very creepily staring at Cole Campbell, until Phoebe can finally gather the courage in order to ask him out and I have been staring at the floor, the whole time in a brutal staring contest with it." Julia blurted out and Max laughed a little.

"Thank you for telling me." Max murmured and in response for Julia telling Max, Chloe smacked her on the side of the head and Julia almost felt a heat wave coming, but she managed to crush it back down, just in time.

"Ow." Julia muttered to Phoebe, who looked satisfied with the outcome and Max had begun mocking them, as was usual for him.

"Oh, he is just so, cute! I want to marry him and his hair smells like cupcakes!" Max mocked and Julia's shoulders were shaking with laughter now, as Max was smirking at them.

"I told you to not tell him!" Phoebe complained and Julia shrugged, right before Phoebe kicked her in the shin, hard.

"Ow! Jesus!" Julia shouted and as at her pain, a sudden heat wave came rushing through the school.

"What was that weird heat wave that suddenly rushed through the school?"

Phoebe asked suspiciously and Julia's eyes flashed with fear, and she was at the moment, very much hopin' that she didn't realize what was going on.

"No idea Phoebe. Must be just a cooling system malfunction, probably caused by whatever the hell the science classes are doing today." Max immediately spoke up after seeing the look on Julia's face.

Julia nodded slightly and Phoebe rolled her eyes, as Max and Julia both walked away from the two staring people. "Did you do that?" Max asked and Julia raised her eyebrows at him, as he glared at her. "Oh, come on. You get kicked in the shin, the pain is a complete surprise and a heat wave goes crashing through the school. I'm not completely stupid." Max snapped and Julia sighed.

"Max, I have never asked you for anything. But I need you to stop it with those questions. Just please for my sake, forget about that." She said as loudly as she dared in the crowded hallway and Max sighed as he nodded at her.

"Okay, fine. But I thought you were a Sensate." Max questioned, and Julia's eyes were very slightly smiling a little bit at the words.

"I am a Sensate super, Max. But I never said that I was only a Sensate did I?" She asked quietly and Max was smirking, and Julia turned, walking off down the hallway and toward her AP Biology class, where she was the only freshman.

|Hours Later,

Thunderman House|

"Wait! If Cole Campbell is allowed over, then Julia is allowed to come right?" Max asked and Julia, she was already in the house, having left school, when Max did originally, long before the end of the day.

"Max, I'm already here." She pointed out from where she was sitting at the coffee table, sketching something.

"You know what I mean though. I don't need to sit through a long-ass dinner with a rich boy on my own, while my sister gets to hang." Max spat out and Julia sighed.

"If I can sleep over, I will stay for dinner." Julia spoke up and Max was grinning at that.

"Fine. But we will be keeping a stern eye on you both. Julia will sleep in her room with Phoebe--"


All three of the teenagers shouted at him and Hank Thunderman raised an eyebrow.

"With all due respect, Mr. Thunderman, I have to actually be able to sleep. Me in the same room as Phoebe, I would not be able to sleep at all and as the twins should know, I am a horrible grouch when I don't get any sleep." Julia spoke up immediately and Hank Thunderman sighed.

"Fine." He thundered as Julia sighed with quiet relief as she flopped down onto the couch and pulled her sketch toward her again.

"You're not going to want to have any of your friends over? Not even one of them?" Phoebe asked and Julia turned around to look at her.

"What am I?" Julia asked and Phoebe snorted.

"You might as well be a part of the furniture for all I care. You are always here don't you have a life of your own or a home?" Phoebe asked as Julia just lowered her head slightly.

"Phoebe!" Max snapped and Phoebe rolled her eyes, before shoutin' for her parents to do somethin' about Max, after he threw a ball at her with his telekinesis and hit her in the arm.

"It is all chill and good, Max. I am used to insults and specifically, all of your sister's rather lame insults by now." Julia spoke up and Max opened the door to the lair and he slid down.

Julia gathered up her stuff and she jumped down, as she landed squarely on the bed and rolled off with a grin.

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