Chapter 1

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"What if I tried saying someone else's name in the mirror instead of Candyman, Beetlejuice, or Bloody Mary?" I asked my best friend Libby through the phone. "I'm not sure how that would go but you should definitely try it! Imagine getting to summon Matthew Lilliard or Johnny Depp." She responded from the other line. "I mean I doubt it would work but I'll try it anyways." I replied getting a tall white candle, a paper, a lighter, and some salt. "Alright tell me how it goes," She said. We both said our goodbyes and hung up. "Okay then," I said to myself. I grabbed a black sharpie and drew a pentagram on the piece of paper, then traced the circle with salt and put the candle in the middle. I put on my silver raven skull necklace- which I considered my good luck charm- and thought positively about what I was about to do. I grabbed the lighter and lit the candle, cutting off all sources of light so only the candle would light the room. I exhaled then stared my reflection in the eyes then said the name three times. 

 "Pearce Joza." 

"Pearce Joza." 

"Pearce Joza." 

"Pearce Joza." 

"Pearce Joza." 

 I stood still for a moment and looked around the dimly lit room to see if the summoning worked. And as I'd suspected, it didn't. "Yeah this was a stupid idea." I said taking off the necklace and blowing out the candle. I put my glasses on the dresser and went to bed. 'There's always tomorrow night or whatever. Not like I'd try this again anyways.' I thought before drifting off to sleep.

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