Chapter 3

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"Okay so.. My name is Janyne. Now we know each other's names. Um.... So my friend and I were talking about how in the movies you say the scary character's name a few times and they get summoned and appear or whatever and so we thought it would be a funny joke to do that, but with another person's name. And I said your name. And now that you're here it isn't as funny as it was before. Oh and you're in Miami, Florida." I concluded and watched his expression go from worried to confused. "So I woke up on your room floor because you decided to do a summoning ritual?" He asked as if it were the dumbest thing he ever heard. Which I honestly agree with. "Yeah... sorry I didn't think it was actually going to work." I sat on my bed and put my phone on the dresser so the flashlight was illuminating the room. I put the covers over me considering how cold it was in the apartment. And the fact that I was wearing shorts and a short sleeved shirt didn't help. "Do you know how I'm supposed to get home?" Pearce asked after a few moments of silence. I froze after that statement. I had no idea how to get him back home. "I'm guessing you don't." He sighed and sat on the ground. I looked back at the set up and had an idea." Maybe we could try the ritual again?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I don't want to risk that." He replied with a sigh. "Close your eyes. Please? I'm not really used to people besides my mom and sister seeing me in my pjs." I got off the bed and turned on the light. Once I saw his eyes were closed I opened my closet, grabbing a few bedsheets and a spare cover.

I lay the bedsheets on the ground then put the covers in his hand. I turn off the light and tell him to open his eyes. "It doesn't look like you have anywhere else to go, so..." I covered my mouth as I let out a small yawn and laid on my bed. "Thanks Janyne. Goodnight." He said and laid on the makeshift bed. "Night Pearce. I promise we'll find a way to get you back home. We'll have to figure it out before my mom and sister wake up. They can't know there's a boy in the room." Once we were both comfortable, I turned off my phone flashlight and got ready for bed. 'I have to tell Libby what happened tomorrow.' I thought before I drifted off to sleep once again.

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