Chapter 31

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Third person's POV

And just like what she had promised, Chaeyoung would bring Mina home to her parents every weekend. They would spend a whole Saturday there, sometimes they would even sleep over, and Sunday would be a day for just Mina and Chaeyoung to spend time together.

Chaeyoung and Mina's parents got a lot closer, they are now very comfortable around each other. In Mr and Mrs Myoui's eyes, Chaeyoung is the daughter in law that they already have accepted and included in all types of family gatherings, big or small, in Mr Myoui's family side or Mrs Myoui's family side, Chaeyoung would always be there as Mina's partner.

They love Chaeyoung for her honesty, sweet and loving personality. They are more than pleased to see Chaeyoung always loves, protects and cares for Mina as if Mina is her very own Princess. They trust Chaeyoung and believe in her abilities, as they've seen many talents that Chaeyoung possesses. Mr Myoui even discusses business issues with Chaeyoung sometimes, because he likes to hear Chaeyoung's opinions, she always has new refreshing ways to resolve things, she just sees things differently compared to others.

The more Chaeyoung gets to know about Mr and Mrs Myoui, the more respect she has for them. The amount of money they have given back to society through all the donations and charities is enormous. Ten of billions won was just the amount that is known to public, the undisclosed amount that they give to unfortunate families, kids and elderly in the entire country would be twice as much.

Chaeyoung knew that the Myoui's is rich, but now that she is inside their family circle, she realises how rich they actually are. Apart from their successful luxury cars imports business, they own many apartment buildings and office buildings all around the country, even some overseas, they have shares and investments in many different businesses, hotels, resorts, fancy restaurants, hospitals, entertainment companies...they have it all.

And that's why Chaeyoung is even more amazed at how Mina could stay so humble and down to earth despite all the wealth her family has. Mina is just so lovely and adorably sweet, Chaeyoung has never even heard Mina raises her voice at any of the maids or helpers in her house. She would buy them presents on special occasions, and even gifts them money from time to time.

Mina is so pure and innocent that despite all the money she has, her face always lits up whenever Chaeyoung gives her a gift, big or small. She can't never hide her excitement every time Chaeyoung takes her out and treats her to her favourite food or sweets.

And for Chaeyoung, Mina is the cutest human being whenever she has done something wrong, she would be adorably nervous, fidgeting with her fingers, avoiding Chaeyoung's eyes by looking down at her feet, sadly pouting her lips accompanied with her cute puppy eyes when asking for forgiveness. And Chaeyoung absolutely adores Mina for that.

Chaeyoung is so cool, mature and knowledgeable that Mina has huge respect for her. Chaeyoung is so friendly and easy going that she has easily gotten the trust and love from almost every of Mina's family members in both father and mother's sides. Chaeyoung has helped solving many business problems from her Dad's company, and Mina is so proud of her girlfriend for that.

Chaeyoung is still full of surprises, even in bed. There are always somethings new, somethings unexpected. During their countless times of love making sessions, Chaeyoung would always be so gentle and caring, but at the same time, very skillfull and precise, always brings Mina to the maximum level of pleasure a woman could get. Mina finds herself fall even deeper in love with Chaeyoung, the love and trust she has for Chaeyoung just keeps growing bigger and bigger, and it will never going to stop.

It's one of the Saturday, Mina and Chaeyoung are having dinner with Mr and Mrs Myoui at their house. Having dinner together as a family is their Saturday night routine, they are all very comfortable and happy around each other,

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