Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Turbo slow down!"kaownah pleaded to his angry boyfriend but the smaller didn't react.He just kept on walking until they reached THINSC.

"Babe! I know your dying to tell them the truth! But let's wait..they might be watching our every move.. he's your father after all."

"Like hell i have a father like him!"turbo argued as kaownah sighed and just pulled the smaller into a hug."Okay okay,im sorry..Now let's go back okay? Let's do it tomorrow, it's already late."Kaownah mumbled,feeling glad that turbo didn't protest.

"Tomorrow, let's end it."turbo whispered as kaownah smiled softly at him,"Yeah."


Meanwhile at the hospital, it's been 8 days since Aj was confined, he's still in a coma.His twin,jj obviously is the one looking out for him along with their dad.Though their aren't talking to each other,you can feel their dad's worry.

"Jj..son, let me take-"

"No.You can go back to the school now.I can take care of Aj myself."jj said coldly making their dad stop his tracks and back off.

Jj then picked up a wet towel and softly damped it on aj's arms.

Their dad stood silently, feeling guilty at the same time frustrated, but he won't blame them.Who would want a disgusting man as their father?

He sighed as he finally decided to get out of the room.

"Sweethearts,im so is so sorry.."


"singto, what's the plan?"Jane asked the stressed singto as he Facepalmed himself,"Can you wait jane?Im fucking trying to come up with some plan right now."he replied while looking at the screen infront on him.

Right now, it's only him,jane,Up,kao and gunsmile.
The others are out finding some clues about the culprit.

"It was started first with the director's son,what if the director is planning something?What if it's his plan after all?"gunsmile tried to explain his side as some of them nodded,"Well gun,you have a point.But it's his son,how could he do that?"Up replied back and rub his arms.

Gunsmile stayed silent at first before remembering something,"Oh! I remember! It was last year's Christmas Eve when N'gulf decided to stay at the dorms but i saw the director slapping him and dragging him away!"gunsmile said as they all looked at each other shocked.

"I've always know the director is wicked,but i didn't know he is THAT wicked!"kao said as singto sighed once again.

"Fuck,where the hell is bright?He should be here helping! He's the head student for fucks sake!"singto complained before grabbing a screwdriver and stab himself in his left thigh.

The others watch as he fiddle with his robotic parts of his body,

His potential is cyborg, normally a GT student activates his/her potential in a certain medicine or a soundwave but that's not the case with singto.

He was born with his arms and legs has metal on them,even the smartest doctor themselves can't explain singto's issue so the finalized it and said that he's half cyborg.

Back to the present,when singto finally finished.He pulled out his phone to call his whiney lover,krist.

It rang for a few seconds before the other line finally picks up,

("P'sing? Are you okay?Do you want me to come to you?")once he heard that soft melodic voice,he immediately calmed down.Everything that krist does calms him down.He doesn't know why,it may be from krist's motherly vibe or his potential.

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