Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Win stood infront of the collage unit as he trembled.Things these past days are not going well.The killings of the highschoool students doesn't stop.

It's time for him to seek help from the GT collage students.

When he went inside,all eyes of the students are on him.He felt uncomfortable.

He knew where to find his boyfriend so he went to their GT unit.Every GT students are allowed to go to both College and highschool's GT classrooms.

As he walks,he can sense someone watching his every move.He started to get annoyed as fire started burning on his right hand.He clicked his tounge and calmed down.

The hall was getting closer as the footsteps behind him was also getting louder and clearer.
He started to run, luckily,he reached the GT room safely.

He sighed and looked back where the footsteps were coming,no one was there.As always.

He shrugged and just opened the door.

Inside,the college students were chatting,

The College GT students contains,

Bright [head student]
Up poompat
Krist perawat[The Class president]
Singto Prachaya
Puimek and
Jane Ramida

On the College GT program,they were allowed to have girls which was better than the highschoool GT program.

Krist was the first one to look,he smiled softly at win who smiled back.

"Ah,Nong win what are you doing here?"jane asked as she sit properly on her chair.

" here help..from the seniors.."he quietly said as puimek nodded,since her potential is the same as mix,she stood and pat win's shoulder.

"Sure! What can we help you with nong?"kao said while holding Up by his waist.

Bright squinted his eyes as win hesitated,"The killings.. won't stop on our unit.

We and the student council tried to join forces but no lead was found.No one found who the mastermind is so.."win stammered while singto whispered something in krist's ears making him giggle.

"Sure.We are happy to help with this case! After all, we're all "gifted and talented" here right?"mike smiled as Up snickered,"Yeah secretly.We run this program secretly with only the principal and our college teachers knowing."Up rolled his eyes as gunsmile laughed at him.

"Guys stop."bright finally said as they all went quiet.Win smiled cutely at him making him smile aswell.

"Tomorrow.Let's gather all GT students to our hiding spot.No one should slack if you all want this investigation to be perfect."Krist said as they all nodded their heads,"Nong win, you should stay here for a bit,For a highschooler like you and especially the situation outside, it's kind of dangerous."jane said as she went to sit beside puimek whose playing on her keyboard.

Suddenly,win's phone went off.Catching everyone off guard.

It was Mix,he answered it only to be welcomed with a crying and raspy voice.

"Win..Your sister is down.."Just by this,it made him weak.

"..!"he gritted his teeth as fire started burning on both of his arms as rage can be find inside his eyes.

The others especially bright was surprised,win huffed and walked away with bright instantly following him.


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