chapter 15

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She couldn't stop thinking about Jason , especially after yesterday and every time she thinks of him she smiles to herself.there was a knock on her door
"Yes come in " she said trying to sound and look professional, zeus came in "you have a visitor " he said making way for Robert to come in. Her smile almost vanished at the sight of him but she managed to sustain it.
"Hello " Robert said
"Welcome " she stood" please sit " she said and he took his seat " to what do I owe this .......pleasures" she said trying to sound polite
"i wanted to take you out to lunch"
"Lunch? Uhh I am sorry but...."
"Please don't say no, I already started spending money today i might as well spend more....I mean after paying jason..."
"Paying jason? Why would you pay him?"
"For winning the bet of course"
"The bet on you.....oh my God you didn't know ?! Well this is akward, please forget I said anything it was my mistake"
"No! Please i want to hear more. What bet are you talking about"
"*sigh*I feel bad honestly, I feel terrible, I wanted to end the bet but jason said he was so close so..."
"What are you talking about?"her voice cracked
"A day after you and Jason met , he made a bet that he would be able to get you.....and he did so he won .i didn't want to place a bet on you obviously but you know how Jason is he was very persistant"
"No!....."chloè choked she was finding it so hard to breath
"i am so sorry chloè"
"Please leave me alone " she turned her head way from him
"Chloè. ... "
"Just go!"she yelled and zeus came running in
"Bye chloè" Robert stood up and walked out shutting the door behind him
"No....."she sobbed harder making thesame hard to breath sobbing sound.
"What happend? "
"i was a bet....zeus I was a bet, it was all a bet, he told me he loved me! " she sobbed zeus wrapped her in a sideway hug and she clutched his arm"......I was a bet!"she kept sobbing while repeating thesame thing.
She drove to Jason's office angrily she had to find out for herself she had to .....hear him say it.she badged into his office he looked up angrily but his handsome feature immediately softened when he saw her and he broke into a huge smile
"Hey babe..."he walked towards her stretching to wrap his hand around her
"Don't you dare!!"she slapped his hand away
"What's wrong?"he frowned
"You made a bet on me?"
"Oh no!"he sighed
"Did you?"she held her breath " please say no jason. Please. I love you so much I can't loose you" she thought .he took about 15 seconds before he answered and she held her breath for 15 seconds as she stared at him
"Yes, but...."
"Oh my God!"she she took a wobbly step backwards " so everything was a lie?"
"No it wasn't !!i swear first it was but later on it became something so real"
"At first?...later on? It was all real for me jason!!!"
"i know and I am sorry"
"Congratulations on your win"
"No i didn't get anything, I called off the have to believe me " he begged
"i hate you jason Norwood, and I don't ever want to see you ever again!!"
"Chloè please, let me explain " he said but she walked out ,he ran after her and tried holding her back " chloè. ...."he tried saying but was cut off by her famous stinging slap.then she walked away.

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