chapter 6

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Her eyes gently scanned the room she had caught some people  staring at her then she finally saw Jason she gave a small smile, before Jason could stop himself he noticed himself smiling like an idiot.he walked toward her going through the tight crowd  before finally getting to her

"You look amazing " he pecked/whisperd to her

"Thanks " she said he used their closeness to take in her scent it was like a dizzy spell.he held her hand proudly as he walked towards his friends, immediately he got there he regretted bringing her there.his friends all had girls on them, Robert and drew had two and rotated in kissing them he felt chloè's hand slip away from his

"Guys!"he half yelled as they all broke away from their girls

"This is chloè " he introduced through gritted teeth

"Hello " she said giving a small polite smile

"Chloè! "Robert stood up making the girls on him almost fall but they caught themselves just in time.he held her hand to his lips " you look beautiful as always" he said chloè looked around confused "am sorry, I don't know you"she said politely taking her hands away the rest tried to hold back their laughter but caleb didn't, he just let it all out

"Hello love. I am caleb " he shook her still laughing " you Look ravishing " he was very handsome he had a very sexy British accent and he always did this incredibly sexy thing where he bites the side of his lower lip even without knowing he is doing it.he smelt great, his cologne was soft and nice unlike Roberts

"Hey, I am drew "the cutest one said.he had a little mole above his lips and he had short brown hair.

"i am Jacob " another shook her hand he looked a little like drew but the more mature looking version he had sexy long shoulder length flowy hair it looked amazingly silky

"Hello " she replied "is nice meeting you all"

"This is not our first meeting, we've all met you before " drew said

"Ohh, I am sorry I don't remember " she apologised

"it's okay love, we don't want you too " caleb smiled, she wanted him to keep talking even if he is just reciting the alphabets.

"We'll catch up with you later "Jason took her hands again and walked away " i am sorry about my friends"

"Then you should be apologising for yourself too"

"What's that supposed to mean?"He held her back

"It's simple......birds of thesame feathers flock are EXACTLY like them so you don't need to pretend I am not a child " she took her hands away from his .she knew how Jason was but somehow the thought of girls sitting on him and making out with him sent chills down her spine and it made her angry

"You are judging me"

"i am not, it's already a known fact it just pisses me off that you think I am stupid"

"i don't think you are stupid chloè ......I happen to think you are a really smart and beautiful woman" she gave him a strained smile before turning and walking away from him.she went to the balcony overseeing the back of the house the view wasn't as good as looking at the main building it was just a vast space filled with  trees and Greenland .she brought out her phone and called alex " Hey " she said trying not to sound down.

"You are making a call at the party? How lame is it"

Chloè let out a little laugh "it's not lame it's just.... can we talk?"

"Yes sure anything that will get me away from staring at my book"

"It's the party.....actually it's the guy.......I met his friends and they had girls around them, making out some where making out with two at once"

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