chapter 11

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Jason hadn't called in 4 days and chloe was sad and angry at thesame time, she finally summoned up courage to go see was on a Saturday so hopefully jason was home she knocked on the huge front door and the maid answered it.

"Hey matilda " chloè smiled

"Miss " matilda beamed

"Is jason around?"

"Yes! He is in his room, let me go get him"

"No! Never mind I will go meet can continue with your work"

"Yes miss " she smiled then walked away . chloè wore a two piece white dress that had a circle at the top showing off her cleavage she paired it up with a black pumps.she reached Jason's door and drew in two deep breaths before knocking

"Come in " he finally said she opened the door and walked in .he was sitting on his huge king size bed, his laptop in front of him and a half eaten pizza at the edge of the bed he had on his white headphone.he finally looked up and saw chloè he took off his headphone in shock.

"Chloè" he said standing and walking towards her he had on joggers and a v - neck shirt " what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you"she said, he looked at her from up to down and smiled

"You look amazing"

"Don't even start that " she threw her purse on the ground "4 days jason! 4 days!!you didn't think to call?"

"I wanted to give you your space"

"My Space?! Did I ask you for that?"

"No but...."

"Exactly! We kissed and the next thing you don't call me"

"Chloè I can explain"

"i am not finished!!"she yelled and he immediately fell silent " i thought we had a moment, but you walked out on me all because of a picture!......yes I loved hin but I thought what matters to you was how i feel about you!, how i feel about us! But I guess I was wrong!"she picked up her purse and walked towards the door and opened it but jason shut it back she turned to face him and he moved towards her his hands still on the door, now he was pinning her to the door, they were practically breathing thesame air

"No! You don't get to come here looking like that, yelling at me and think you can go without me saying my piece"

""she said

"i don't intend on talking sweetie " he leaned down and kissed her pressing his body on hers, chloè's plan was to refuse the kiss but she became weak immediately his lips touched hers she wrapped her hands around his neck drawing him closer to her " i missed you so much " he pecked her all over her face she wrapped her hands around his neck as he leaned down and kissed her hard again " i am sorry " he said kissing her " i am so sorry " he repeated he slipped his hand around her and hugged her tight and she tightened her grip on his neck

"I missed you too " she smiled " don't ever do that again " she kissed his neck

"I wount baby girl " he pecked her.jason had picked her up bridal style and laid her on the bed now he was slightly on top of her as they were making out. His fingers digged into her hips almost to the point that it hurt and her fingers were busy with his soft baby like hair and broad shoulders and arms he went down and trailed kisses on her neck getting her weak point she wanted to chuckle and moan at thesame time her eyes caught the files on his bed and she scrolled through them " what is that?"chloè broke their kiss and tried to reach for a file

"Nothing, it's not important " he pulled her back and continued kissing her then he went back to her neck

"No I think it is " she breathed out, he stopped mid kiss on her neck and groaned

"Fine it's financial from Norwood tiles " he said

"This doesn't seem right " she picked up the files

"What's wrong?"He asked

"These entries are two months apart but they are so different"

"Maybe the company lost a lot!!"

"No! Look the charges for production gets reapeated"


"The charge covers 3 months, so why exactly was it paid for again?This just looks like random numbers were just fixed in jason"

"What are you trying to say?"

"The company isn't as broke as you think.....someone is definitely stealing from the company...We have work to do " she picked up the files.

"But I just wanna make out " he whined like a little boy

"Plenty of time for that later " she leaned in and kissed him he wrapped his hands around her waist and drew her near, he placed her on the bed back to their old position " we have work to do"

"Five more minutes " he kissed her neck

"That's an hour in jason land " she ran her hand through his hair

"So you want me to stop"

"Mmnhnm" she said

"That's not clear " he kissed her

"N....yes!"she said with great effort

"Fine " he rolled off her after kissing her one more time. she knelt on the bed as she gathered the files

"Come help out " she said to Jason who immediately came to help

"So what are we looking for?"

"Any abnormalities in the financials" she ran her hand through her hair

"Everything looks abnormal to me"

"Focus jason!"she smiled . They had leaned their heads close together as they listened to music,jason had the left bud while she had the right one as they went through the files, Jason occasionally stared at chloè as she made some corrections on the files she placed the pen on her lips while thinking and his attention went to her lips they were swollen now which just made them look more inviting and beautiful he was so tempted to kiss her

"How come your dad didn't notice this?"chloè asked drawing him out of his fantasy

"He couldn't care less about the company"

"Well atleast now it has you"she looked at him placed her forehead on his and kissed him.

"What time is it?"she asked

"A little over 9 " he said

"Oh God "she ran her hands through her hair as she stood up and went down from the bed " i have to get going"

"Why don't you sleep over " he got down too and walked towards her " there is no work tomorrow " he said

"I know, it's just that's not what I planned"

"Plans change"

"Yeah....but not mine " she put her second shoe on then walked towards him,she wrapped her arms around his neck " there is hope for the company. .....I could come over tommorow to check out the files"

"i would love that " he said

"Okay then " she smiled giving him a kiss

"Are you sure you can't stay " he rubbed his nose in hers

"i promised haley and paige I would help them out with some things "she said

"Fine " he kissed her again " call."he gave her a kiss in between every word

Bye " she said picking up her purse and walking out but not before glancing back one last time.

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