chapter 8

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Jason had called her out for a second date the next week, this time he was specific on what she should wear she wore a purple cocktail gown while he wore a tuxedo he looked absolutely perfect in it and she had to tell him and when she did he broke into a huge grin.they arrived at a hotel building where other elegantly dressed people where entering inside

"It's a private party " Jason said

"And are we invited?"

".....nope " he grinned which made her laugh more

"How come? After all you are a NORWOOD"

"The Prince hosting it hates my guts, I slept with his. ......."he immediately stopped

"Mother, sister or girlfriend?"chloè asked him

"How bad do you think of me?.....It was his girlfriend....and his  sister " he shook her head but there was still humor in her eyes

"Don't worry I can sneak us in"

"Why do you want to go to this thing so bad?"

"Drake is here"

"Shut the f.......front door!"she beemed "are you serious?"

"Yeah, and I know how much you love him so I want you to meet him " he smiled

"Okay let's do this " she smiled as they walked through the back door.after maneuvering and dodging and docking they came into the party and chloè was so pumped, she had never done anything so sneaky before.

"There he is "Jason pointed as they walked towards him they were few inches from him when a man came in front of them

"invitation please " he asked

"What? Would we be here if we weren't invited?"Jason glared at him."Do you know who I am?"

"Yes Mr.norwoid I know exactly who you are which makes it hard to believe you would be here "

"Well I am and we don't have our invitation with us " Jason finally said

"Please come with us " they walked with them into a quiet room

"Did you sneak in here?"he asked them

"Sneak in? We..."Jason tried saying when chloè suddenly burst into tears.

"Oh my God!!! This is so embarrassing"

"Chloè. ....."Jason tried consoling her

"i told daddy!!! I told him I shouldn't hide my identity " she sobbed louder


"Do you know who I am?"she asked them

"No....."they tried answering

"Exactly! I am tired of this embarrassment ......I am calling daddy he'll take care of them"

Jason finally understood " No, don't! You know how extreme your father can be!"

"But they are harrasing me " she cried harder, Jason was shoked actual tears were falling along with her mascara now she looked crazy he tried hard to hold back his laughter "do you know tom hutcher?"Jason asked him

"No...."the man answered now scared as hell

"Exactly!!....The last time she made THE CALL was for tom hutcher"

"Daddy!! !"chloè yelled/sobbed louder

"Calm down ma'am ......just place your thumb here and we'll scan through our guest list " he said shaking  and  chloè obliged placing her thumb "it will only take a minute or two"

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