The Human Everyone's Talking About

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You hear two students gossiping nearby.

"Hey, check it out. That's the human everyone's been talking about." The first one pointed at you" You think it's true what they say, that Mammon became a babysitter?"

"Well, if so, then I'd say that actually works out great, doncha think? If we wait and strike when he's not paying attention, he'll never figure out it was us."

It's not against the rules to eat the others?!

"C'mon, we should devour the human before Beel does."

Oh God, they're coming my way.

You started walking in a hurry, trying to run away from the demons without drawing a lot of attention.

"Hey, you there."


You look over your shoulder trying to find out where the voice is coming from, but the only thing you were able to see was the male's silver hair.

"That's right. I'm talking to you."

You feel a cold hand on your back, but it soon fades and holds onto your shoulder.

The voice began to speak once again, this time in front of you.

"The human with that frightened, tormented look on your face that demons love so much." he teased.

You could now see his hole face. His grayish blue eyes fading to brown and his mischievous grin on his pale skin.

His uniform looks so clean... He must be the other exchange student.

"You're practically screaming 'Come and eat me! I'm scrumptious!' Your name is y/n, isn't it?"

"Uh, yeah. And you're Solomon, right?"

"So you know me already? And here I was, thinking I could prank you, pretending to be a demon and wanting to eat you."

He smiled.

"This D.D.D. here belongs to you, right? I saw you drop it just now. Here, take it."

Solomon grabs your hand, gently laying your D.D.D. on it.

"Thanks. I'm glad it was you who found it and not some random demon."

"Sure! Humans should help each other when in another world." he says.

Then he looked to his side and flinched.

"Uh-oh... I'd better get going. See you around, y/n. Take care of yourself."

He walks away, waving at you.

When he's out of sigh, you search where he was looking at, and see Lucifer coming your way.

"Good morning, y/n."

He greets you as soon as he's close enough he doesn't have to raise his voice too much for you to hear him.

"Good morning!"

"Were you able to get a good night's sleep? I have to say, you look a bit more relaxed now."

"Yes, thank you for caring." you answer.

"Be sure not to let your guard down. I don't want you to end up getting eaten by some random, lesser demon. It would only mean plenty of paperwork for me, and I don't need that."

He's telling me that as if I can control what other demons do or not.

"I'll do my best to control the others' actions" you say being sarcastic.

Lucifer sighs as if understanding what you meant.

"Was that Solomon I saw you talking with, earlier?"

"Yes. We met just now."

"You and him are the only two students from the human world. Seeing as you're both human, it's fine if you associate with him, but know that he can't be trusted."

"That's harsh. Did you knew him before the exchange program to say those things about him?"

"I don't need to."

"You shouldn't judge him. Besides, it was you demons who chose him to be here."

Lucifer's eyes wide open, but his poker face soon comes back.

"Still, be careful around him." he started "He may be a mere human, but he has a ring imbued with wisdom, and he wields powerful magic. He's the type of man who will try to subjugate even a powerful, greater demon if he gets the chance."

"So you're judging him for his power and intelligence. That's not much better. If I didn't know you were way powerful than him, I'd think you're just scared."

"Sure you can think that way, but I'm just warning you."

"I'll just go with the flow. If I see something' s up with him, I'll be careful."

"As you should." Lucifer smiles.

You remember what Leviathan said yesterday.

"Uhm... Lucifer."

"What is it, y/n? Is there something you want to ask me?"

"It's nothing important. I just... I'd like to know more about Mammon."

"Mammon? Why do you want to know about him all of a sudden?" he asks "Still, I guess is only normal, considering he's the one assigned to look after you."

"Yeah, I heard a lot of things about him from the others, but it's all related so I thought I'd learn something different from you."

"Mammon is my bother, and since you specifically asked, I'll try to be kind with my words."

I can't believe I'm doing this... Thinking about Mammon makes me feel like I have potatoes growing on my brain!

"He's pure scum." Lucifer said.


"The scummiest sort of scum. Pure, unfiltered, disgusting scum to the point that I'm embarrassed to call him a fellow demon, much less my brother."

That's all? There's actually nothing good about him?

"So, any particular reason you asked, or were you just curious?"

"I'm just curious. Like you said, he'll be looking after me, so it would be weird if I didn't know anything about him at all." you said.

"I see. Well, is there anything else?"

"Uh... Blackmail!"


"I need blackmail. A weakness or something."

"Are you implying that you think I know his weaknesses, and can exploit them when I like? Because I suppose that is true in a way."

Does he know something else beside the credit card? Well, he is the oldest after all... He knows Mammon since he was born.

"However that's not the only reason he can't say no to me."

"Yes, I'm aware of that. Mammon may seem total scum at first, but he respects you, doesn't he?"

Lucifer answers your question with a gentle smile. Than he begans to talk."

"As long as we're on the subject, it just so happens that I've taken one particular weakness of him and frozen it."

Is he talking about Mammon's credit card? I'm pretty sure he is.

The school bell rings.

"That's the first bell. Class is about to start. Time to get going." Lucifer said walking past you "You'd better hurry too. You don't want to be late on your first day here."

"I will. Thank you for your time, Lucifer."

You waved at the demon and started walking towards your class.

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