The Tale of the Seven Lords

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"What the hell was that for?!" you yelled.

"What? You want to know why I looked around to see if anyone was watching before I closed the door?"

"Well, yeah. That too."

"Why do you think I did it?! Isn't it obvious? Imagine what would happen if someone saw me inviting you to my room!"

"Oh, you're right! The world would explode, wouldn't it?" you said ironically "Could it be... Oh no, I don't even want to think about it..."

"What...are you talking about? What is it?" he asked.

You got closer to him, just like he did before. The difference is that instead of an excited expression, you were wearing a worried one.

"They would think we're friends! That's what it is. You're scared of what they'll say."

You laughed, uncovering all your fake worrying, and stepped back, letting the demon breathe again.

"Hey, are you trying to judge me?! You think you're better than me, is that it? Don't you dare make fun of otakus!"

He takes things way too serious...

Let him just finish his grumble.

"Listen up, because it's time for a truth bomb! The fact is that no matter how much of a normie you think you are, everyone out there is an otaku in some way!"

This is gonna take a while...

As you wait for Leviathan to finish his neverendind grumble, you take a look around the bedroom.

You had already seen the enormous aquarium replacing the wall, but only now you noticed the bathtub in the middle of the room.

That's a nice...bed.

Then you notice a bookcase full of thick, hardcover books as big as encyclopedias.

You tilt your head to the side, trying to read the title of one of the books.

The Tale of the Seven Lords: The Lord of Shadow Awakens.

"Hey, are you even listening? What are you looking at?"

Leviathan lightly pokes your shoulder, making you shiver at the sudden touch.

"Oh my...! God, you scared the hell out of me!"

"So you really weren't listening!"

You give him a guilty smile in response and he sighs.

"So, what were you looking at?" he asks again.

You point at the book in the shelf.

"Wait, that looks like... The Tale of the Seven Lords! Are you a fan of that, too?"

And he got excited again...

"I actually never heard of it before, but it looks interesting." you said.

"You don't know TSL? And you call yourself a human?! Just the fact that you don't know TSL alone is proof that you've been wasting your life."

Why, thank you for calling me out like that!

"So, I'm going to do you a favor and teach you about TSL. Make sure you pay attention!"

"No, thank you."

"Wh-What?!" he gasped.

"I don't want spoilers! I want to read it too, so don't talk about it."

"For real?! You are?!"

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