The Great TSL Trivia Showdown

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"So, let me get this straight. You're telling me that Beel and Satan both gave you hints for how to defeat Levi?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I said."

"Ya don't say... How very interesting."

"Oh please, Mammon. Stop with all the mystery. What's wrong about it? They're just nice people."

"I'd believe that if it was just Beel, but Satan? Ya know it's all because I'm lookin' after ya. You've got Mammon to thank for this."

"Yeah, right. Whatever the Great Mammon says. Can you get out of my desk now?"

"Ugh, forget it. Let's just get down to business. You and me need to figure out what our strategy's gonna be with this Levi thing."

"If what Beel said is right, then we just gotta make him jealous. It involves some risks sure, but it's our only choice."

"He may be called the Avatar of Envy, but it's hard to make him give in to it. Instead of gettin' super jealous of you, he'll get all negative about his own situation."

"I know, I know. That's why we need Simeon."

"Simeon? What does he have to do with this?"

"Did you heard what I said? Satan told me Simeon could help us with Volume 9. You know, the one that isn't out yet."

"Ah yeah, that. I'm curious to know too, so let's go."

Only then, Mammon hop off your desk, and starts heading outside.

"You came all the way here, and aren't even going to wait for me to pack up?" you whined.

"Geez, okay... Hurry up."

With that, you finish packing and walk outside the classroom, seeking for Simeon.

I can only hope that it will help me figure out how to make Leviathan jealous...


"Can you believe that?!" Mammon shouted, enthusiastically.

"Calm down! We can't have Levi find this out. It's our only chance to win."

"All that talk about having to believe you, and now this is our only chance?!"

"Dunno what you're talkin' about."

"C'mon y/n. This is amazing! You're gonna win that competition and you're gonna have Levi give you that soundtrack. That's so cool!"

You laughed seeing Mammon so excited.

"Heh, I knew it. You're happy too! Just come out and say it."

"All right, all right. I'm thrilled." you admitted "Happy now?"

"Very. Let's go now, before we're late."

Mammon crouched, letting you climb up his back and rushed to the council room, where the competition would take place.

"You can put me down now." you said, just a few feet away from the door.

Mammon crouched once again, and you hoped off.

"Alright, let's win this thing."

He opened the door and everyone was sitting in place for the competition.

In the middle of the room, between the student council students' chairs and the restant seats, there were two obvious extra spots, making it look like a real court. Levi was standing behind one of them and you were going to take the other.

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