Part 2

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I was now in college at 10min from my house so still with the same relatives. But it was here that I met MY real bestie: Jennie. She is the best and we were always together. So basically I don't have a straight style, my style match with my mood. If I wake and I want to be sexy I will wear a sexy outfit but if I am in a down mood I will wear a hoodie with a sweatpants. I just go with the flow. So we were law students but it was because we didn't find anything that really interesting us.

I learn a few days after the beginning of the year that my crush from childhood was a 2nd year law student. It made me nervous but I decided to play it cool. To keep Jennie aware about it I explain her the whole story. So it's was Monday and I decided that I will show my bossy side today. After getting ready, Jennie came and took me from my place.

I still have that curvy body and not the typical skinny body shape from Korea so I was more into the body of US. Still people didn't judge me much about it. So we were walking through the corridors with Jennie when we met my crush JEON JUNGKOOK ! I stayed neutral and kept walking straight but a voice called me « hey! Is that you Y/n? »

He asks me, I turned around and look at him « hey! Yes it's me. How are you? » I reply « I great thanks for asking! I didn't know you were a student here. » he states « yes it's my first year here so I just arrive. » I explain « oh really! Ask me if you need anything since you're new! » he proposes « ah thank you that's nice of you! » I thank him « no problem! » « ok I got to go but see you! » I wave to him and went back to Jennie.

« Oh my god girl ! You told me he was hot but THAT! He is G O R G E O U S! » she says « yeah I know right » I giggle to her act.

After our day Jennie dropped me back to house and since Jungkook lives just next to me, he was already here. « Hey! So how is college going? » He asks me « pretty good I guess. » I was a little bit uncomfortable because his sister was one of my closest friend and I didn't want to make it weird. « Like I said earlier if you need anything don't hesitate at all! I will be glad to help you » I repeats « thank you so much Jungkook. I will » I say « you probably have a lot of work I will let you ! See ya around » « mmh see you. »

I went straight to my room and recovered from our interaction. We already talked but we were much younger and he wasn't that caring but it's maybe he just know me want to help me because I'm like his little sister.

I called Jennie to tell her everything and she was much more excited that me lmao. She is such a mood but only with me and that's why I love her so much. 

After that I went to do my homework and I took a long hot shower to get out all my stress. Then I wear a comfortable outfit to sleep but decide to go for a walk first to help me to have a good sleep. I made my self a tea and took my phone and keys and went walking through the neighborhood. I know that the boys of the neighborhood always meet in the park but I know they will let me alone since they know me and respect me. I was walking and looking to my insta feed and I heard someone calling me. « Hey girl! » I turned around and it was Maria, Jungkook sister « Hey Maria! How you doing? » I ask her and holding on each other arms while walking. « I'm good and you? » she asks back « I'm pretty fine, I start college a few days ago and it's going pretty good » I reply « great ! Do you still have this big goal of you even tho you are in college » she asks. The goal she was talking about is the fact that my biggest dream ever is that I want to get married really really soon, ASAP to be honest. « Oh yeah about that... Yes it's still a thing that I want ! » I answer « I hope you found a man that will love you for who you are, you are soooooo great and sweet and funny Unnie! » she compliments me « Oooh thank you honey » I thank her « oh and I needed to ask you ! » she suddenly says « go on! » « my brother told me that you were in the same college as him » I just nod to her waiting for her question « he told me he proposed you help if you needed but he realized that he don't have your number and asks me if I can give it to him » she finally asks me still walking holding arms. « Oh yeah I forgot about it! Umm yes I guess » I answer shyly.

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