Chapter 7

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Dear Amethyst,                               8/8/1992

     It has been a week since you left. I was letting you get settled before saddling you with the thought of needing to send a letter. The wrackspurts have tripled since you have  been gone. I see them everywhere now- perhaps they were always there and you just made me notice them less. 

You must describe to me in detail what your new home and lawn looks like. Do you have a garden? Imagine all of what you could plant. And what about a stable shed. For all the animals you keep there. Are you settling in well? Have you gotten your school supplies? I have. We went three days ago. It was a very small list, but of course I got extra. 

Have you seen what Beauxbatons castle looks like? I imagine it to be a clean, French architecture (I hope)  with a ceiling with moving pictures. I wonder if they have balconies on some rooms with French barrier fences. I bet they teach fencing as well. How fun. You must tell me all you can. 

Missing you, 
Luna Lovegood 


Dearest Luna,
       I was so thrilled to receive your letter. I have missed you dearly since our departure. I'm sorry the wrackspurts have been giving you trouble.

My new home is beautiful! Our house is bigger than the one we had there and the yard is huge. We have a big garden in the backyard and mum has been out there everyday planting. I've helped her out as much as I can. Our new house has a Grey exterior and a black roof. Papa is in the process of building a small quidditch field in the backyard so that I can practice. You have to visit one day.

I got my school supplies a week ago and you wouldn't believe the list of things. It was super long and poor mum had to help me carry everything. 

Beauxbatons is very big. The architecture is French and the building is very clean. The pictures here do move and they are so cool. I don't know too much about the school yet but as soon as I know I'll try to tell you in great detail. Unfortunately from what I've heard Beauxbatons can be very strict but people still enjoy the school. Papa told me their classes are very advanced. 

Did you know Beauxbatons is an all girls school? I had no idea until mum told me. I think you would love france. There's a cute little shop in town that sells trinkets and jewelry supplies. I know you would love it, I thought of you as soon as I saw it.

I miss you very much Luna and I hope we can visit each other soon.

Much love,


My Dear Amey,                          8/22/1992

      I am so glad you like it there. Or at least enjoy the beauties of France. From your description I must assume you have taken a tour of the Beauxbatons Castle, unless you have already started. If you have started do tell me what house you were sorted into. I heard that there are only three. 
      Bellefeuille, and from what I have heard of their traits it seems to be a mix of Hogwarts Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Papillonlisse, which reminds me more of the Hufflepuff traits I have learned with some Ravenclaw ones. The only one that seems to be in line with a single house more than multiple is Ombrelune. From what I have read those traits seem to almost all fall in line with the same traits of the Slytherin house that they have to date. 
     I do say, you would look most pretty in purple but I do not know if you would be sorted into Papillonlisse. They are more musical. You are a jock. Blue for Bellefeuille would be most fair on you as well. However, I can not see the olive green of Ombrelune. Nor their traits, their traits seem perhaps even more "cut-throat" than slytherin. I can not wait for your coming letter. 
      Oh! I got my acceptance letter on the 16th. It was rather late. Almost a month late going out, I only wonder why. I have read the things I must get for school and all seems to be in order. Did you know? Oh. No. You wouldn't. 
     Gilderoy Lockhart has been spewing that he is the new Defence Professor for Hogwarts this year. As I looked at the list for that class, I feel it may be true. We have multiple books we must have yet, they are all written by him. As you know I've already read one or two since he's started getting them out. I still believe that all he has written is far too much for a single man to accomplish. The Ryatlos agree with me. I have mentioned them haven't I? They look like rats scurrying everywhere.
     You know how if someone knows a secret and is accused of telling it they are called a rat, or if they betrayed someone they are referred to that as well? Ryatlos like to throw out gossip. You can hear them, or can't. They have paws but their paw is a single finger. And patched fur. And red eyes with sharp nasty teeth. They look evil. 
      I have just noticed I've left you with a long letter to respond too. My apologies. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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