Chapter 2

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Amethyst sighs contemplating on what to wear to Luna's house. Deciding on a casual outfit of black pants and a blue shirt, she grabs her book of broomstick ideas and advancements and bounds downstairs.

"Mom. Dad. I'm going over to Luna's house." She says kissing each on the cheek.

"Be careful darling." Her mother says smiling.

"I will." She replies before quickly leaving the house and heading in the direction of Luna's house. As she's walking she realizes the time. "Oh no, i'm gonna be late." She thinks to herself as she starts walking faster. Seeing Luna's house in the distance she slows down a slight bit.

As she makes her way up to the house she notices light emitting from some of the windows. Hesitantly she steps up to the door and knocks a couple of times. After about a minute there's a rustling from the other side of the door and then it swings open to reveal a smiling luna.

Luna sighs quietly "I was afraid she wouldn't show." She thinks to herself 

"Hullo Amethyst. Welcome to my home. Please come in." Luna says gesturing for Amethyst to enter.

She steps inside and looks around. "What an interesting and intricate home." She thinks to herself as she continues to look around. She hears a quiet noise and looks over to see an older man, with light blonde hair, humming to himself.

"Father." Luna says interrupting her father's humming. "This is Amethyst Gouin. She is one of our neighbors." He turns and looks at Amethyst smiling.

"Ah, it's nice to finally make your acquaintance Amethyst." he says excitedly. "My name is Xenophilius Lovegood but you can call me Xeno."

"Bonjour, it's nice to meet you Monsieur Xeno." She smiles lightly at him. "You have a lovely home." 

"Thank you. It truly is exquisite." He says looking around as if seeing it for the first time. He turns around and goes back to what he was doing, humming again. Amethyst smiles and looks over at luna.

"Would you like me to show you more of my home?" Luna says tilting her head quizzically.

"Oui! That would be lovely." Amethyst exclaims excitedly. Luna smiles and turns walking up the stairs that spiral down the center of the house. They emerge onto the second floor and Amethyst looks around. 

The entire room consists of light blue and yellows. The ceiling is wide and is slightly lower above the bed, which looks like it has an old blue and yellow victorian comforter with ruffles. The comforter has a set of matching pillows and it all lies on top of a mattress that has a metal base and headboard. Amethyst looks beside the bed and three feet away there is a small window seat with plush cushions. 

There's also an oak desk with an oak chair next to it. Beside the desk is an oak wardrobe and in the corner of the room there is a bean bag chair. Posters of magical creatures litter the walls and there is a decent collection of Quibblers scattered on the desk.

"Your room is beautiful." Amethyst says sitting criss-cross on the window seat. Luna walks over to the bean bag chair and sits down looking at the book, with pieces of paper sticking out of it, that Amethyst is holding.

"Thank you. What is that book you're holding?" Luna asks, pointing at the book.

"Oh! This is my book of broom ideas and advancements." Amethyst replies enthusiastically. "It's the book I keep all of my broom ideas and things I think could improve the broom!" Luna stands up and joins Amethyst at the window seat.

For the next couple of hours Amethyst talks about all of her wonderful broom ideas and Luna tells Amethyst about her clothing and jewelry designs. Eventually Amethyst realizes the sun has gone down.

"Oh no!" Amethyst says standing up. "It is getting late. I should head home." Luna nods in understanding and walks with Amethyst down the stairs and to the front door. Luna opens the door and Amethyst takes a step out and stops. 

"I would love it if you came over to my home one day." Amethyst says turning to luna.

"I would be delighted." Luna says with a smile. Amethyst sticks out her hand."Friends?"

Luna excitedly takes Amethyst hand and smiles brightly "friends." Amethyst takes her hand away with a big smile on her face. Turning she walks in the direction of her house. "I finally have a friend." They both think with smiles on their faces.

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