Chapter 1

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In Circle Center, coming from each side was an Alley. North, South, East, and West. Running from East Alley was Knockturn which opened into Diagon Alley; Which runs diagonally from Circle Center, there is of course a straight shot from South Alley to Diagon. 

Luna walked out of Trinket Ville with a bag of trinkets and fabric in East Alley, also known as shopping alley. Humming and walking along she sees someone step out of Beast Library carrying over 5 books in their arms. As she looks closer she sees Amethyst. 

She walks over and taps her shoulder. Amethyst spins around almost toppling over. Luna reaches out to steady her, dropping her bag in the process. 

"So sorry. Did not mean to startle you. Do you need help? Those books are quite thick." Luna takes two from her arms and picks her bag up. 

"Oh, Luna. Yes. Merci." She straightens up after Luna takes the books. "How are you? We haven't seen one another since about 2 months ago."

"I am doing swell. I decided to get more fabrics. I seem to have lost two rolls. I am sure it was the Knargles." They started walking along down the cobblestone path. 

"What are Knargles?" Amethyst looks at Luna quizzically.

"They are creatures that live in mistletoe. They can be quite the thieves as well." Luna responds. Amethyst nods her head as her confusion clears. 

"What do you need fabrics for?" They sit down on a bench and lean against the back of it. 

"I like to design my own clothes from time to time. And jewelry. What is with all of the books?" Amethyst takes the books from Luna and sets them all down beside her. 

"Well. I love riding on my broom. It is my favourite pastime. It feels like liberté." She has a wistful look on her face. She continues after clearing her throat and shaking her head. "I decided I want to tinker with the broom. See what I can do with it. Perhaps personally design it. Change the speed. I could even end up being the one to invent the next broom!!" She carries on excitedly. 

Luna smiles at the bright look on her face and is about to say something but is interrupted by her father. 

"Luna my dear. We best be going, we got all we need."

"Of course Father." Luna responds and stands up. She takes a few steps and turns back. "Would you like to come over sometime? I can show you my designs and you can show me your progress if you like?" Amethyst stands up and nods, gathering the books into her arms. 

"Alright come over whenever then. Hope to see you soon." Luna turns back around and Amethyst watches her glide off with a smile. 

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