~ A Whole New World ~

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~-=+=- Based on the original Disney cartoon; 1992 -=+=-~

Katsuki was pacing menacingly across the courtyard in front of the princess' room. He was arguing inwardly with himself and that only made him more and more pissed off, until he could swear he saw smoke literally coming out of his ears.

"What the fuck am I gonna do?" He barked, stomping the ground as Denki and Eijirou - still in his elephant form - watched with entertainment. "She won't even let me talk to her! I should have fucking known that I couldn't pull off this shitty prince wish." He turned to Denki, only to see him playing chess with Carpet. "Hey! I need some fucking help here!"

Denki sighed as he lost to Carpet at the game. "All right, dude, here's the deal. If you wanna date her, you gotta be a straight shooter, follow?"

Katsuki narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Heh?" This fucking genie never made any damn sense.

A board appeared in front of Denki with words written on it. He pointed to them for emphasis as he read them. "Tell her the... truth!"

"Are you a fucking idiot?" The blond boy cursed. "If (Y/n) found out I was really just some shitty street-rat, she'd laugh her ass off at me." The genie floated over to him and put his arm around his shoulders.

"A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh," he then had to dodge a fist that Katsuki threw in his face. He chuckled slightly, giving the feisty blond a pat on the shoulder. "But seriously, dude, you just gotta be yourself."

"That's the last thing I want to be!" Katsuki yelled. He took a deep breath and looked up at the balcony to her room and clenched his fist tightly. "I'm just gonna go see her. Just calm, cool, and confident." He cringed slightly at the stuff he was telling himself, but it was the only advice he had. "How do I look?"

Dekni bit his lip, before sighing with a small shrug. "Like a prince." Katsuki rolled his eyes; the genie was too sensitive. There was no way he could be himself. Himself wasn't good enough for a princess.

He hopped up on the Carpet and they flew through the air, slowly getting closer to the balcony of (Y/n)'s room, Katsuki only just now realizing how creepy this whole thing might look to anyone who was nearby. But, putting aside his feelings, he called out. "Hey, princess?" His eyes widened as a loud growl came from the balcony, and he looked down to see an orange bengal tiger glaring at him.

"Who's there?" A light voice - although it sounded a bit serious - came from the room. A beautiful (h/c) haired girl with bright (e/c) eyes pushed aside the light blue curtains to the balcony and glared at the thief. He could feel his heart beating in his chest and the whole world seemed to dim except the area around her.

Katsuki kept an eye on the tiger. "It's me - Prince Katsuki. Prince Katsuki Bakugou."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "I don't want to see you." Her hands had been raised up in a position like she was about to fight, but seeing that it was the blond prince, she put them down.

"Wait, no, fuck," Katsuki stepped off of the Carpet without her seeing and onto the balcony, but Kendou growled at him and began to step forward, causing him to quickly go back up. "Princess, please. Just, give me a damn chance."

"Just... leave me alone," (Y/n) scoffed, balling her fists at her side. Kendou threw up a paw at Katsuki, causing him to fall backwards until he was leaning against the railing. "I don't need some prince to swoop in and take over my life."

"Get the fuck down!" He yelled, causing (Y/n) to chuckle for a second. Prince Katsuki wasn't the worst suitor she had seen, but she still didn't appreciate him trying to "win her over" or whatever he was trying to pull. She looked at him softly; something about him seemed so familiar.

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