~ Street Rat and Street Mouse ~

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~-=+=- Based on the original Disney cartoon; 1992 -=+=-~

Katsuki sat, legs stretched out, on the awning of a fruit stand in the center of the bustling square. It was a hot day just like always, the sun shining down, threatening to give him heat stroke. The kingdom was as busy as ever: vendors calling out their prices, customers complaining, the all around experience making the blond thief hate people even more than he already did. The only good thing about them was that they were fucking clueless, meaning that it was pretty easy to steal from them.

"Alright, Eiji," he sat up, looking down at the vendor of the stand they were on top of. "Fucking go, already." Eijirou bounced on the cloth, leaning over the right side but hanging on with his tail, to get a better look at what was being sold.

"Try this!" Katsuki heard the vendor calling. "Try this! Your taste buds will dance and sing! Hey! Cut that out! Paws off!" From what the blond could tell, Eijirou had done his part and grabbed one of the melons from the stack below. "Get away from here, you filthy ape!"

Now it was Katsuki's turn. Making sure that Eijirou had the man distracted, he dipped down on the other side of the awning. Grabbing a melon from the stack, he quickly brought himself back up. A few moments later, Eijirou came up to, having done his part with the distraction.

"Nice goin', Eiji," Katsuki grunted. "Breakfast is served."

As he got to work tearing open the melon for the two of them to eat, he caught sight of a cloaked figure walking down the streets. Normally, some random extra wouldn't have grabbed his attention, but something about whoever it was kept his eye on them. As the person walked closer, Katsuki realized it was a girl. Her (e/c) eyes were wide open, as though she was experiencing a million new things at once, but her brown hood hid the rest of her face from the thief's vision.

"Pretty lady, buy a pot!" Katsuki watched as a vendor across the street held out a bowl towards the girl as she walked past. "No finer pot in brass or silver!" She seemed to seriously consider looking at it until she was enraptured by another stand.

"Sugar dates! Sugar dates and figs!" The next vendor called out, giving the girl a free sample of the sweet snacks. "Sugar dates and pistachios!" The girl's eyes widened in delight as she tasted it, but then gasped as a man held a necklace out towards her.

"Would the lady like a necklace?" He moved it closer to her as she bit her lip, nervously looking at the piece of jewelry. "A pretty necklace for a pretty lady!" She looked incredibly charmed by the compliments she was receiving, but Katsuki couldn't help but scoff. He had been around these parts for his whole life: those pots had been broken and pieced back together more times than he could remember, half of the sugar dates were covered in sand to save money, and if that necklace had any genuine worth to it, Katsuki would throw himself off the roof.

(Y/n) herself was having the time of her life. She had looked forward to escaping the palace for years now, and now that she was finally out, it was like everything she had ever dreamed of. The people were just so nice, and no one was telling her where she was allowed to go. But that thought was cut short when a large man shoved a rancid smelling fish straight into her face.

"Fresh fish!" He yelled. "We catch 'em, you buy 'em!"

"I-I don't think so..." The princess mumbled, backing slowly away from the man. She was all for a bit of friendliness, but she was far too close to that freshly dead fish for her liking. However, the broken down cobblestone pathway was cracked, and she tripped, falling backwards into a man with a stick of fire down his throat. "I'm so sorry," (Y/n) waved her hands in front of her. It didn't seem to bother the fire-eater in the least, as he let out a loud burp, smoke coming out of his mouth. "I'm really very sorry," she said quietly, trying to hide the obvious disgust on her face.

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