~ The Cave of Wonders ~

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~-=+=- Based on the original Disney cartoon; 1992 -=+=-~

The dungeon was dark and cold, the dampness of the walls only adding to the eerie feeling that was creeping down Katsuki's spine. His wrists were chained up tightly above him on the wall with handcuffs and his skin was beginning to burn from being there for so long. Also, there were rats that were crawling through the cracks in the floor, which the blond was not particularly enthusiastic about.

"She was the princess," he muttered, adjusting his feet to the most comfortable position he could. "I don't fucking believe it. I must have sounded so goddam stupid to her." He couldn't figure out why he cared so much about what she thought, but he couldn't deny the fact that he kind of did.

Katsuki was pulled out of his brooding by the sound of a chattering monkey from above him. He turned his red eyes upwards to the small window at the top of the dungeon that was letting in a bit of moonlight. Standing there as well was Eijirou, who had managed to get out of the vase he had been thrown into.

"Eiji," Katsuki rattled the chains on the wall. "Down here. C'mon, help me outta these."

Eijirou gave him a look with a raised eyebrow, before taking a piece of cloth and wrapping it around his head, making his eyes wide. Katsuki rolled his eyes; Eijirou was doing an imitation of the princess, pacing back and forth, making kissy faces.

"She was in trouble," the thief sputtered, the darkness of the dungeon hiding the slight tinge of pink on his cheeks. "I guess it was worth it, or whatever." He paused before looking at the monkey again, who rolled his eyes. "Now get me out of here!"

Eijirou slipped through the bars and climbed down the wall, then jumped up onto Katsuki's shoulders. He pulled a small set of tools out of his pocket and got to work on the chains. The blond's hands fell down and he rubbed his wrists, trying to get rid of the sore feeling in his bones. Eijirou looked at Katsuki with a disappointed look, obviously not proud of the fact that he had finally been caught. And because of a girl. One he had just met, no less.

"Don't give me that look," Katsuki snarled. "It's not like I'm ever gonna see her again. I'm a street rat, remember. Plus, there's a fuckin' law. She's gotta marry a prince. She deserves it." His voice got quieter near the end, as he didn't really want Eijirou to give him a condescending look again. He put his hands on his knees and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes. "I'm a fucking dumbass."

"You're only a dumbass if you give up, boy," a voice from the darkness spoke up. Katsuki slowly opened one of his eyes and saw an old man with a long beard sitting in the corner of the room, his arms also out of the handcuffs. He had definitely not seen the guy earlier, he would have sworn he was alone in the room.

"Who the hell are you?" Katsuki cocked his eyebrow.

The old man shrugged. "A lowly prisoner, like yourself. But together, perhaps we can be more." Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the man. It was a bit of a sketchy sentence, he had to admit, but it wasn't like either of them were going anywhere any time soon. So he bit his cheek.

"I'm listening."

The old man smiled, his mouth only having half the teeth of a normal person. "There is a cave, boy," he said with a raspy voice. "A cave of wonders. Filled with treasure beyond your wildest dreams. Treasure enough to impress your princess, I'd wager." Dramatically, he turned away from the blond, giving him time to think.

"She's not my princess," Katsuki muttered, albeit not as passionate as he usually would. His mind was filled with the thought of gold. Mountains of it. Enough that he would never have to steal or go hungry on the streets again. The princess being interested in him would just be an added bonus. But that wasn't important at the moment.

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